Master's internships
There are no internships embedded in the curriculum of the Reservoir Geology and Geophysics master.
Non-curricular (voluntary) internships can be carried out. These are not included in the student’s academic record, but can be reflected in the European Diploma Supplement according to the current regulations. Visit the Internships website of the faculty for more information about placements: Placements can also be done within the framework of the Erasmus+ program (
There are no curricular practical programmes in the Master's degree in Mineral and Geological Resources.
The MSc programme includes company or institutional placements, which are part of the curriculum and are one of the key components of the training process. These placements are organized within two compulsory courses during the first and second years, respectively. Each of these courses has 6 credits. During these placements the students carry out a stay of 125 hours (which can be expanded up to 750 non-curricular hours) at a company, institution or research centre. These centres have an agreement with the University of Barcelona.
The placements are carried out under the guidance of a tutor of the company and another one at the university. At the beginning of the placement the student, with the support from the tutors, makes a work plan with the tasks they will carry out during the placement and, once concluded, they present the results obtained. The placement courses are evaluated according to the aims met and results obtained, and also according to the attitude and professionalism of the student. You will find all the information on the Placements/Internships section of the Faculty website.
List of companies that have recently hosted students of this MSc programme. This list will grow during the next few weeks/months:
- Laboratori Oliver Rodés
- Litoclean
- Esolve
- Inedit
- Aigües del Prat
- Aigües de Catalunya
- Centre tecnològic BETA (Universitat de Vic)
- Observatori de l'Aigua de Terrassa
- Terrassa Cicle de l'Aigua
- Agència Catalana de l'Aigua
- Enginyers Sense Fronteres
- Font Teix SA
- Taigua
- Simmar SL
- Ilersap
- Enufra
- Aqualia
- Sociedad Ibérica de Construcciones Eléctricas, S.A.
- Fundació Bosch i Gimpera
- Grupo Sice TyS
There are no scheduled curricular internships in the curriculum of the master's degree in Paleobiology and Fossil Record.
Extracurricular internships can be carried out, which do not appear on the student's academic record but may appear in the European Diploma Supplement according to current regulations. You will find the information on Internships on the website of the Faculty of Sciences of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona:
You can also do internships within the Erasmus+ program: