
The University of Barcelona eases the enrolment payment and fees due to the health alert

Advices | 24-03-2020

The University of Barcelona does not want the exceptional situation resulting from the COVID-19 health alert to affect students in any negative way. This is why the rector, Joan Elias, together with the president of the Board of Trustees of the UB, has decided to establish special measures related to the payment of the enrolment during the building closure period.

As decided, while the health alert exists none of the rights of the students will be suspended due to non-payment. There will not be any charge for non-payment when receipts are reactivated. Last, the bkUB program will be reinforced to help the students with special economic difficulties, so the deadline to submit their applications, which ends on April 30, is suspended during the exceptional situation. An increase of credit will be enabled depending on the number of received applications, according to the budget availability of the University.

The rector authorized the non-liquidation of the fees of those registered at the Sports Services of the University of Barcelona, after the next expiration, corresponding to April 2020. This measure can be extended if the facilities keep closed depending on how this health alert develops.
