
Rector's statement on the suspension of 2nd semester face-to-face activities of the academic year 2019/2020 due to COVID-19

Advices | 06-04-2020

Considering the uncertainty of the evolution of this pandemic and the measures to be taken in order to face it, and regarding the high probability of not being able to resume the regular academic activities for the rest of the academic year 2019/2020, together with the President of the Catalan Government and the Minister for Business and Knowledge and with the rectors of the Catalan universities, I decide to suspend the face-to-face academic activities corresponding to the second semester until the end of the academic year. All teaching activities will be carried out online.

Therefore, I state what follows:

- The scheduled final examinations are maintained as presential while waiting to see how the pandemic evolves and the measures to be taken, announced by the competent authorities. In any case, the UB works for the possibility of two situations: taking the tests in person and the need to take these online; this is why several action plans are being worked on for each of the scenarios.

- We have reached an agreement with the centers to increase the flexibility of deadlines so that students can opt for single assessment.

- On April 22, there will be a Governing Council held to work on the approval of the adaptation of the academic calendar to increase flexibility to the centers, so that they can plan all the teaching activities that cannot be carried out online, as well as the document on the guidelines and general directions for the functioning of teaching tasks during this period ranging from now to the end of the academic year -previously written by the Academic Committee.

- In this frame of exceptionality, we are also working to respond to the different economic situations of the students and urge the competent authorities to adopt exceptional measures in the Decree of fees of the Catalan Government and the conditions of the General grant of the Ministry.

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