Cancellation of enrolment

Cancellation of enrolment is decided by the dean's office or the management of the centre. Completely cancelled enrolments do not have any subsequent financial effect on the student's transcript. They will have the subsequent academic effects established by the rules of continuance that apply to the abandonment of studies.

Check the deadlines for requesting total cancellation of enrolment


Within the deadlines established in this section, you can apply to the UB for total cancellation of your registration in the following cases:

Form (S1)

For serious illness, duly accredited

In the case of serious illness that prevents the student from following the academic activity normally, duly accredited by a medical report from the Catalan Health Service or, depending on the group (MUFACE), or the equivalent body in other autonomous communities, in which this impediment is concluded, the student has the right to a refund of the amount of credits enrolled. In the event that a first-year student's enrolment is completely cancelled due to a serious illness, a place can be reserved and, if the decision is positive, there is no need to re-enrolment.

The amount of the cancelled courses will be refunded to the immediate family member or legal representative who requests it. The declaration of heirs or will of the student and the death certificate must be provided.

In duly justified serious and exceptional cases, the Vice-Rector's Office for Academic Planning, at the proposal of the Dean's Office or the faculty or school management, and with a prior report from the UB administration, may decide to cancel enrolment outside the deadlines established by the UB.

The enrolment fee must have been paid before requesting cancellation outside the established deadlines. Otherwise, the application will not be considered.

The cancellation of the registration must guarantee compliance with the regulations applicable to the student's stay in the UB.

Access to the procedure

Acceso al trámite

 Form (S4)