University of Barcelona

Marine Sciences



Oceans make up for more than three quarters of the Earth. They regulate climates, supply markets, provide food and resources, are sources of biodiversity and play an essential role in the development and flourishing of human society. But oceans are also the final destination of pollutants and waste, the object of political dispute and the origin of specific natural hazards. It is only through a cross-disciplinary, comprehensive approach that the challenge of understanding such a complex system can be undertaken.

The bachelor's degree in Marine Sciences aims at training professionals in the field through a cross-disciplinary approach. In accordance with the main strengths of the University in relation to marine sciences, extensive and rigorous training is offered focusing on biology, geology and other basic sciences. Aspects of law, economics and the management of the sea are also covered. Through advanced tools and a extensive practical training, students acquire the ability to access and adapt to a highly changing workplace, in a geographic environment with a large concentration of research centers, companies and administrations with activities related to the sea.

The degree content is broadly applicable to a range of sectors, in particular the food industry (wild and farmed products); energy (exploration and exploitation in the renewable and non-renewable sectors); coastal and marine management, planning and conservation; operational oceanography; scientific research and teaching.

Basic information

Branch of knowledgeSciences
Mode of delivery


Number of places available


Notes de tall --

10.228 (July 2024, start of process, via official entrance examinations/vocational training)


Language(s) of instruction

Catalan (82.2%), Spanish (15%), English (2.8%)

Approximate price per credit18,46 €