
Selected Publications

Terni B, Pacciolla P, Perello M, Llobet A. Functional evaluation of olfactory pathways in living Xenopus tadpoles. J Vis Exp. (2018) Dec 11;(142).

Terni B, Pacciolla P, Masanas H, Gorostiza P, Llobet A. Tight temporal coupling between synaptic rewiring of olfactory glomeruli and the emergence of odor-guided behavior in Xenopus tadpoles. J Comp Neurol. (2017); 525:3769-3783.

Terni B, López-Murcia FJ, Llobet A. Role of neuron-glia interactions in developmental synapse elimination. Brain Res Bull.(2017); 129:74-81. Review.

López-Murcia FJ, Terni B, Llobet A. SPARC triggers a cell-autonomous program of synapse elimination.  Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. (2015);112(43):13366-71

López-Murcia FJ, Royle SJ, Llobet A. Presynaptic clathrin levels are a limiting factor for synaptic transmission. J Neurosci. (2014); 34:8618-29 (Cover)

Journal Covers
