Seminari: Xavier Viader
El Dr. Xavier Viader de la Universitat de Padova està de visita i hem organitzat un seminari post-col.loqui dimarts vinent, que es titula "Optical tweezers in biophysics: from polymer models to drug development". El seminari serà a les 16:30h a l'Aula Magna Enric Casassas. Més abaix i adjunt trobareu el resum amb més informació.






Aula Magna Enric Casassas

Optical tweezers in biophysics: from polymer models to drug development

Dr. Xavier Viader

Universitat de Padova.

: Biophysics is a scientific discipline that uses the tools and methods of physics to study biological systems. Optical Tweezers (OT) provide an excellent tool for such an interdisciplinary field, thanks to its accuracy in measuring distances and applied forces to the stretched molecules, one at a time. In this talk, I will show two very different lines of research where I have used OT experiments. On the one hand, I will show how OT, without directly controlling the rotation of the molecular system, can be used to extract information regarding twisting parameters that are used in polymer models. On the other hand, I will present how this technique can be useful in drug development, specifically in improving anticancer therapies targeting the protein Thymidylate Synthase.
