Seminari FMC: Fèlix Campelo
El dijous vinent 10 de novembre hi ha el seminari del Departament amb la xerrada "Biophysics of secretory pathway" que impartirà Dr. Fèlix Campelo, investigador RyC al ICFO. El seminari serà a les 12:45h a l'aula Pere Pascual de Planta 5.






Seminar room Pere Pasqual, 5th floor of the Faculty of Physics, UB

Biophysics of secretory pathway

Fèlix Campelo (felix.campelo@icfo.eu)

Independent Senior Research Fellow at ICFO Institute of Photonic Sciences, The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology. Spain.

Cells secrete proteins – such as neurotransmitters, cytokines, or collagens – to regulate many aspects of human physiology, from endocrine signaling, to synaptic transmission or the building of tissues. In this talk, I will present two examples of how biophysics can help us get a better understanding of this fundamental cellular process. First, I will describe a mechanism by which tension and mechanical forces can modulate the shaping of intracellular membranes to mediate the export of large secretory proteins. And second, I will briefly discuss how advanced fluorescence microscopy tools can reveal details of protein secretion.

