Agenda | 14-05-2024 -
IMHOS 79 - The Glass- Steagall Act and Bank Stock Market Speculation
Osama M. Khawar (University of Florida), Gustavo Cortes (University of Florida) and Marc Weidenmier (Chapman University)
Agenda | 08-05-2024 -
Joan Barceló (NYU-Abu Dhabi)
Agenda | 02-05-2024 -
Manuel A. Bautista-González (University of Oxford)
Agenda | 24-04-2024 -
IMHOS 78 - The long-run unintended consequences of the 'Arsenal of Democracy'
Joan R. Rosés (LSE and CEPR), Alexandra L. Cermeño (Lund University) and Alexander Klein (University of Kent and CEPR)
Agenda | 24-04-2024 -
Administrative Principles and Complex Politics in Postwar Italian Law
Anthony M. Bertelli (IBEI)
Agenda | 18-04-2024 -
Crisis oleícola y mercado de trabajo. Mallorca 1730-1840
Gabriel Jover (Universitat de Girona)
Agenda | 17-04-2024 -
IMHOS 77 - Canst Thou Beggar Thy Neighbour? Evidence from the 1930s
Paul Bouscasse (Sciences-Po)
Agenda | 10-04-2024 -
Carissa L. Tudor (University of Amsterdam)
Agenda | 04-04-2024 -
Feminismo en la economía y economía feminista. Una mirada histórica
Curs a càrrec de la Dra. Camila Orozco Espinel (Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne)
Agenda | 20-03-2024 -
Becoming Political: How Marching Suffragists Facilitated Women’s Electoral Participation in England
Valeria Rueda (University of Nottingham)
Agenda | 14-03-2024 -
Narrative Macro History in the 21st Century
Sebastian Edwards (UCLA), Larry Neal (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign) and Tobias Straumann (University of Zurich)
Agenda | 13-03-2024 -
Impact of Enslavement Conditions on Families: Evidence from the French Carribbean
Marie Beigelman (Universitat de Barcelona)
Agenda | 07-03-2024 -
Hyperinflation and Stabilisation in Poland: War of Attrition or Politics by Other Means
Thea Don-Siemion (Cardiff University)
Agenda | 28-02-2024 -
The Benefits and Costs of Diversity: Lessons from Economic History
Joel Mokyr (Northwestern University)
Agenda | 21-02-2024 -
Kuhn Revisited: Two Types of Paradigm Shift in Economics
Çinla Akdere (Middle East Technical University)
Agenda | 21-02-2024 -
A life course approach to political preference formation across social classes
Macarena Ares (Universitat de Barcelona)
Agenda | 01-02-2024 -
Women and Men Politicians’ Response to War: Evidence from Ukraine
Margit Tavits (Washington University in St.Louis)
Agenda | 25-01-2024 -
Does Education Fuel Prosperity? New Evidence from European Historical Spatial Data (1870-1950)
Gabriele Cappelli (University of Sienna)
Agenda | 24-01-2024