Webinar in Ibero-American Economic History: Mariano A. Bonialian (El Colegio de México)
Redes peruleras hacia China, 1580-1605. Economía del Perú, Monarquía y globalización
Agenda | 21-05-2021 -
Seminari d'Estudiants de Doctorat: Gerardo Alfonso Pérez (Universitat de Barcelona)
The South East Asia Capital Markets: 1990-2015
Agenda | 20-05-2021 -
Hi intervindran Rodrigo Gordoa de la Herata (Instituto Mora) i Guillem Verd Llabrés (Universitat de Barcelona)
Agenda | 14-05-2021 -
IMHOS: Doug Irwin (Dartmouth College), Maksym Chepeliev (Purdue University)
The Economic Consequences of Sir Robert Peel: A quantitative assessment of the Repeal of the Corn Laws
Agenda | 12-05-2021 -
The Brazilian Bombshell? The Short and Long-Term Impact of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic the South American Way
Agenda | 07-05-2021 -
Seminari d'Estudiants de Doctorat: Jackeline Velazco (Universitat de Barcelona)
Essays on the changing roles of agriculture in the economic growth process: Contrasting theory and evidence, the Peruvian case
Agenda | 06-05-2021 -
Assignats or Death: Inflationary Finance in Revolutionary France
Agenda | 05-05-2021 -
IMHOS: Andrew Metrick (Yale University), Paul Schmelzing (Yale University)
Banking Crises Interventions, 1290-2018
Agenda | 28-04-2021 -
The Fruits of El Dorado: The Global Impact of American Precious Metals
Agenda | 23-04-2021 -
Seminari d'Estudiants de Doctorat: Yuan Jia Zheng (Universitat de Barcelona)
China's Rise to Top Automobile Producer: Technological Dependence or Strategic Partnership in the 21st Century?
Agenda | 22-04-2021 -
The Real Effects of Bank Runs. Evidence from the French Great Depression
Agenda | 21-04-2021 -
IMHOS: Pavithra Suryanarayan (Johns Hopkins University)
Hollowing out the State: Franchise Expansion and Fiscal Capacity in Colonial India
Agenda | 14-04-2021 -
Wages, Prices and Living Standards in late colonial Peru
Agenda | 09-04-2021 -
Seminari d'Estudiants de Doctorat: Julio César Reyna Pérez (Universitat de Barcelona)
El comercio exterior del Ecuador 1890-1950
Agenda | 08-04-2021 -
IMHOS: Alain Naef (Bank of France)
Blowing Against the Wind? A Narrative Approach to Central bank Foreign Exchange Intervention
Agenda | 31-03-2021 -
IMHOS: Tracy Dennison (Caltech)
State Capacity and the Rise and Fall of Serfdom in Europe
Agenda | 24-03-2021 -
Seminari d'Estudiants de Doctorat: Florencia Araoz (Universitat de Barcelona)
Instituciones a nivel subnacional en el largo plazo: propuesta y aplicación para las provincias argentinas
Agenda | 18-03-2021 -
The Economic Impact of the Black Death
Agenda | 17-03-2021 -
New Evidence on Income Inequality and Concentration in Latin America: 1920-2011
Agenda | 12-03-2021 -
Seminari d'Estudiants de Doctorat: Pablo Fernández Cebrián (Universitat de Barcelona)
Withdrawal of the state: the provision of primary schooling in Mozambique under indigenato
Agenda | 11-03-2021