Inflation and Individual Investors' Behavior: Evidence from the German Hyperinflation
Agenda | 15-12-2021 -
Seminari de Recerca: Martin Wasserman (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
Intermediación financiera y asignación de recursos crediticios en el Antiguo Régimen hispanoamericano. El caso de Buenos Aires durante los siglos XVII y XVIII
Agenda | 14-12-2021 -
December 10-11, 2021, Reception Room (Sala de Recepcions), Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Barcelona
Agenda | 10-12-2021 -
Seminari d'Estudiants de Doctorat: Nicola Visona (Università degli Studi di Macerata)
Simulating the First Industrial Revolution: An Agent-Based Model of England's Industrial Revolution according to Robert Allen
Agenda | 09-12-2021 -
IMHOS: Felix Kersting (Humboldt University)
When Autocrats Fail: Bismarck and the Socialists
Agenda | 08-12-2021 -
IMHOS: Sarah Quincy (Vanderbilt University)
Loans for the Little Fellow: Credit, Crisis, and Recovery in the Great Depression
Agenda | 01-12-2021 -
Presentació de la Miscellanea Aqualatensia en homenatge a Francesc Valls Junyent i cloenda del Cicle de Conferències Francesc Valls
Agenda | 28-11-2021 -
Webinar in Ibero-American Economic History: Agustina Paglayan (UC San Diego)
The Violent Origins of Mass Education Systems (title to be confirmed)
Agenda | 19-11-2021 -
Frontiers and oil in the formation of Arab States: 100 years of Cairo Conference (1921)
Political Economy Seminar
Agenda | 18-11-2021 -
Technology Adoption and Productivity Growth: Evidence from Industrialization in France
Agenda | 17-11-2021 -
Conferència: Arlo Poletti (Università di Trento)
The international and domestic roots of anti-globalism
Agenda | 17-11-2021 -
Seminari de Recerca: Arlo Poletti (University of Trento)
Trade Liberalization and Labor Market Institutions
Agenda | 16-11-2021 -
Seminari d'Estudiants de Doctorat: Pablo Fernández Cebrián (Universitat de Barcelona)
Unpacking the indigenato: the evolution of primary school enrolment rates in Mozambique, 1947-1962
Agenda | 11-11-2021 -
Comparative European Institutions and the Little Divergence, 1385-1800
Agenda | 10-11-2021 -
The (Uneven) Legacy of Colonial Rural Estates in Mexico
Agenda | 05-11-2021 -
IMHOS: Melissa M. Lee (Princeton University)
Historical Determinants of State Capacity
Agenda | 03-11-2021 -
Seminari de Recerca: Paula de la Cruz-Fernández (University of Florida)
Toward a gendered history of international business history: the case of global Singer
Agenda | 02-11-2021 -
Webinar in Ibero-American Economic History: Carmen Soliz (UNC Charlotte)
Campos en Revolución: una re-visión de la reforma agraria en Bolivia
Agenda | 29-10-2021 -