Masters and PhD
Media and Social networks
- Federico Demaria itakes part in the program "Migrants que reciclen" [Migrants who recycle] of the Valor Afegit space of TV3 Televisió de Catalunya.
- Guillermo Antuña's doctoral thesis on "La Nueva España"
- "Miquel i Costas & Miquel, la tradició moderna feta paper", lecture by Miquel Gutierrez at the Ateneu Barcelones in Youtube
- Available in Youtube: Thinking ahead: Making relevant business history: Paloma Fernández participate at Workshop Business History Universidad de los Andes (Colombia)
- Enric Tello interviewed at elDiario.es and Alternativas Económicas
- Jordi Catalan in the "Todo camenzó ayer" podcast, episode 54
- Jordi Catalan, interviewed at COPE Catalonia and Andorra to talk about the 25 years since the entry into force of the euro
- Paloma Fernandez talks about Grífols in "El Periódico de España"
- Paloma Fernandez talks about Grífols in "El País"
- Presentation of the online course "Educación financiera para profesorado de primaria"
- "The Second Industrial Revolution", fourth session of the tribute to Dr. Jordi Nadal on Youtube
- "The modernization of non-leading industries". Third session of the cicle of lectures in tribute to Dr. Jordi Nadal, in Youtube
- Ramon Ramon-Muñoz talks to TN Comarques about the depopulation of Segarra
- The First Industrial Revolution. Session of the cycle of conferences in tribute to Dr. Jordi Nadal, on Youtube
- The first session of the tribute cycle to Dr. Jordi Nadal, on Youtube
- José Miguel Sanjuán talks about the last slaveholders in Europe, linked to Barcelona, in the German digital Riffreporter.
- Alfonso Herranz Loncán consulted on the history of the railway in Catalonia by the Verificat team of journalists in the article "Els trens de Mataró i Manresa a Barcelona van més ràpidament ara que al segle XIX, a diferència del que afirma una campanya viral"
- Available the video of the debate "Protagonists of history. Men and women of business and economists", with the participation of Paloma Fernández
- Aurela Mañé talks about energy prices in the program Informe Semanal (TVE)
- SAFRA-Menorca project, directed by Enric Tello and Roc Padró, mentioned in the digital iris.cat
- Sergio Espuelas talks about the evolution of the welfare state in episode 4 of Fresnel Effect entitled "¿Dónde está mi paguita?" .
- The 1st Agroecological Transition Conference (Menorca), in which Enric Tello took part, in the press
- Jordi Catalan publishes the article "Apertura tras la autarquía" in the newspaper El País
- Raimon Soler Becerro in the "Ara" newspaper: participate in the Jordi Bes article about the traps of wine in Catalonia
- The homage to Josep Maria Benaul in Youtube
- Marc Prat at the inaugural ceremony of the centenary of the motorcycle manufacturer Derbi
- Raimon Soler Becerro talks about Vilafranca del Penedès wine industrial heritage in Penedès TV (program "Amb veu pròpia")
- José Miguel Sanjuán in the newspaper "Ara" talks about "Money, the great Catalan taboo"
- Paloma Fernández talks about "How have the rich become rich?" in Catalunya Ràdio
- The homage to Josep Maria Benaul in "Diaro de Sabadell"
- "Transdisciplinariedad: una asignatura pendiente", an article by Enric Tello on eldiario.es
- "20 minutos" echoes the project led by Enric Tello and Federico Demaria to implement the "donut economy" in Barcelona
- "20 minutos" se hace eco del proyecto de Enric Tello y Federico Demaria para implantar la "economía donut" en Barcelona
- Federico Demaria lecture at PensamENTS: “Recicladores informales: Desde el Sur Global hasta Barcelona”, availabe in Youtube
- What was the Marshall Plan? Intervention by Marc Prat in the program "De boca a orella" on Radio 4
- Enric Tello’s lecture “The energy and environmental trap of industrial agriculture”, at LINCC available on Youtube
- Paloma Fernández talks to the newspaper "Ara" about industrial relocation
- Álex Sánchez: Erasme de Gònima the man of the Century (XVIII) in El País (Catalonia)
- Paloma Fernandez interviewed at New Books Network
- Jordi Catalan in the Ateneu Barcelonès. The lecture about the Great Recession 2008 available in Youtube
- The study of Federico Demaria about the itinerant scrap-metal collectors in The Guardian
- Federico Demaria interviewed in "El País" about informal urban recyclers
- Paloma Fernández in youtube channel AEHE about "Industria farmacéutica y administración de hospitales"
- Ana Moragues takes part in the program El escarabajo verde, in the chapter "Decidir lo que comemos"
- The lecture “Richer and poorer. Public Policies ”, by Juan Carlos Palacios, at the Seminar «Inequality and Poverty: Towards a Worse World?», available on Youtube
- Paloma Fernández's speech at the round table "Business history in specialized magazines" is now available on Youtube
- Yolanda Blasco, Joaquim Cuevas i M. Carmen Riera: "El crédito oficial durante las crisis" a Nada es gratis
- EmilitoEuropa: el canal de YouTube d'Arturo Pallardo sobre la Unió Europea

Why and how to compare economies? Answers from 1880s India and Argentina
Maria Bach (University of Lausanne)
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Economic History Seminar
Department of Economic History, Institutions, Politics and World Economy
Maria Bach (University of Lausanne)
Why and how to compare economies? Answers from 1880s India and Argentina
Venue: Room 1037 (Faculty of Economic and Business)
Hour: 14:00 hours