Masters and PhD
Media and Social networks
PhD Presentation: Yuan Jia-Zheng
PhD presentation
Yuan Jia-Zheng
The Re-emergence of the Chinese Economy: Internationalization and Technological Catch-up in the Automobile Industry (1953-2018)
Supervisors: Dra. Patrícia García-Duran (Universitat de Barcelona), Dr. Carles Brasó (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
Tutor: Dr. Alejandro Sánchez Suárez (Universitat de Barcelona)
Committe: Tribunal: Dr. Paloma Fernández Pérez (Universitat de Barcelona), president; Dr. Jun Kajima (Keio University), secretary; Dr. Rafael Castro Balaguer (Universidad Autònoma de Madrid), member
Day: 31 May 2023
Hour: 10:00
Venue: Sala de Graus "Ernest Lluch", Faculty of Economics and Business UB. And online
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