Masters and PhD
Media and Social networks
Ana Moragues is among the 2% of the most influential scientists in the world
Ana Moragues is among the 2% of the most influential scientists in the world as she is the most cited researcher in her discipline (Economics and Agrarian Policy).
The latest update of the database published by the publisher Elsevier, known as the Stanford ranking, measures the influence of research staff in terms of their performance and impact, in the fields of knowledge where their publications are assigned .
Other members of the Faculty of Economics and Business who are in this 2% are Daniel Albalate, Germà Bel and Xavier Fageda (Economics, Logistics and Transport). The UB is the first Spanish university with the largest number of researchers from this group of outstanding scientists, with 161 scientists in more than 50 different disciplines from a wide range of fields of knowledge. You can check here the members of the University of Barcelona who have appeared in the Stanford ranking.
Ana Moragues