Academic information

Academic Committee and thesis advisors

The Academic Committee of the PhD in Economic History at the UB is made up of four members:

Director: Yolanda Blasco Martel

Representatives of each of the lines of research:


The professors participating in the programme (who could potentially serve as thesis advisor/s), organised by lines of research, are the following:

  • Growth, economic integration and inequality

Marc Badia-Miró (Latin America, Economic Geography and Commerce), Anna Carreras-Marín (Latin America, Commerce), Sergio Espuelas (Welfare State, Education and Public Finance), Alfonso Herranz (Public Policies, Infrastructure), Sergi Lozano (Economic Geography, Resilience of socio-economic systems, Knowledge transfer and innovation), Aurèlia Mañé (Energy, History of the Arab world), Julio Martínez Galarraga (Regional inequality, Economic geography, education), José Alejandro Peres Cajías (Public Finance, America Latina), Ramon Ramon (Commerce, Anthropometry), Oriol Sabaté (Public Finance, Fiscal Capacity), Javier San Julián (History of Economic Thought) iFederico Tadei (Africa, Commerce).

  • Agrarian and environmental history

Josep Colomé (Agrarian History, gender and social conflict, evolution of wine economies), Federico Demaria (Ecological economy, Political ecology, Degrowth, Environmental justice, Post-development, India), Ana Moragues Faus (sustainable food systems, food policies, governance, social movements, social justice) Jordi Planas (agrarian history, social conflict and cooperativism), Ricard Soto (Medieval agrarian history, agroecological transformations, Islamic world) y Enric Tello (Environmental and Agrarian History, Sustainable agrarian systems, Landscape ecology and socio transitions -ecological).

  • Financial history

Yolanda Blasco (Financial and banking history, economic history of Spain and financial education), Montserrat Carbonell (Microcredit, consumption and savings), Jordi Catalan (Monetary economic history), Enrique Jorge-Sotelo (Monetary and financial history, Banking history, Political economy of financial development, Financial crises) y Alfonso Herranz (Investment in infrastructure).

  • Industrial and business history

Montserrat Carbonell (History of poverty, social policies, social inequality and the Old Regime, Gender History), Jordi Catalan (Origins and development of the automotive industry, Companies, entrepreneurs and comparative advantages in Southern Europe, Comparative Industrial History , War, Francoism and economy), Paloma Fernández (Family Business and Innovations and business networks), Tomás Fernández de Sevilla (Automobile industry, creation and maintenance of competitive advantage in professional football, innovative companies and entrepreneurial processes), Miquel Gutiérrez (Technical change, industrialization, traditional manufacturing, international markets for raw materials, demand and structure of markets and paper sector), Julio Martínez Galarraga (Industrial History, education, Economic geography), Marc Prat (Industrial history, History of work and Political economy) y Alejandro Sánchez (Industrial history, Business history and History of Technology).

If it is considered appropriate for academic reasons, the Academic Committee may also assign an external thesis advisor, not included in the above list, to a student.

You can find information about the Master’s in Economic History at this link.

The doctoral programme in Economic History does not have specific scholarships. On the website of the University of Barcelona's Doctoral School, you will find information about scholarships offered by the University itself, those from the Government of Catalonia, and those from the Government of Spain. If accepted into the program, it will support the student in their scholarship applications.