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Torres-Oliva, M., Almudi, I., McGregor, A.P., Posnien, N., 2016. A robust (re-)annotation approach to generate unbiased mapping references for RNA-seq-based analyses of differential expression across closely related species. BMC Genomics 17, 392.
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Hilbrant, M., Almudi, I., Leite, D.J., Kuncheria, L., Posnien, N., Nunes, M.D., McGregor, A.P., 2014. Sexual dimorphism and natural variation within and among species in the Drosophila retinal mosaic. BMC Evol Biol 14, 240.
Arif, S.*, Hilbrant, M.*, Hopfen, C.*, Almudi, I., Nunes, M.D., Posnien, N., Kuncheria, L., Tanaka, K., Mitteroecker, P., Schlotterer, C., McGregor, A.P., 2013. Genetic and developmental analysis of differences in eye and face morphology between Drosophila simulans and Drosophila mauritiana. Evol Dev 15, 257-267.
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