
Investigador responsable: Prof. Antonio Juárez –

Investigador sènior: Dr. Mario Huttener Queiroz –

Investigador Postdoctoral : Dr. Alejandro Prieto –

Becari Predoctoral: Manuel Bernabeu –

Estudiants de Màster: Jon Hergueta– v Tècnics de Laboratori: Sonia Aznar -, David Salguero –

  • Novel features of bacterial virulence: the enteroaggregative E. coli strain 042 as a model.
  • Proteins containing immunoglobulin domains and bacterial plasmids: a novel approach to combat antimicrobial resistance?
  • Gene duplications and bacterial virulence
  • Biotechnology of lactic acid bacteria: from animal health to a cleaner environment.

  • NUEVOS ASPECTOS DE LA VIRULENCIA EN LAS ENTEROBACTERIAS. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. PID2019-107479RB-I00. 2020-2022. IP: Antonio Juárez.
  • A novel approach to combat antibiotic resistance: targeting antigenic proteins coded by resistance plasmids. Fundació La Marató TV3 – 201818-10. Duració: 2018-2021. IP: Antonio Juárez.
  • PARALOGOS Y ORTOLOGOS DE MODULADORES GLOBALES: PAPEL EN EL ESTILO DE VIDA BACTERIANO. Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad. BIO2016-76412-C2-1-R Duració: 2016-2019.IP: Antonio Juárez.
  • INTERACCIONES ENTRE MODULOS PLASMÍDICOS Y CROMOSOMAS BACTERIANOS: UNA VISITA DEBIDA. MCOC - Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad.BIO2015-69085-REDC. Duració: 2015-2017. IP: Antonio Juárez.
  • Regulación de la virulencia bacteriana por proteinas que reconocen conformaciones locales del ADN. MCOC - Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad.BIO2013-49148-C2-1-R. Duració: 2014-2016 IP: Antonio Juárez

  • Sanchez-Herrero JF, Bernabeu M, Prieto A, Hüttener M, Juárez A.Gene Duplications in the Genomes of Staphylococci and Enterococci.2020. Front Mol Biosci. 2020 Jul 23;7:160.
  • Hüttener, M.; Prieto, A.; Aznar, S.; Bernabeu, M.;.Glaría, M.; Valledor, A.F.; Paytubi, S.; Merino, S.; Tomás, J.;.Juárez, A. Expression of a novel class of bacterial Ig-like proteins is required for IncHI plasmid conjugation.2019.PLoS Genetics. 15. E1008399.
  • Bernabeu, M.; Sanchez-Herrero, J. F.; Huedo, P.; Prieto, A.; Huttener, M.; Rozas, J.; Juarez, AGene duplications in the E. coli genome: common themes among pathotypes. 2019. BMC Genomics 20: 313.
  • Prieto A, Bernabeu M, Aznar S, Ruiz-Cruz S, Bravo A, Queiroz MH, Juárez A.Evolution of Bacterial Global Modulators: Role of a Novel H-NS Paralogue in the EnteroaggregativeEscherichia coliStrain 042.2018. mSystems. 2018 Mar 20;3(3):e00220-17.
  • Juarez A, Villa JA, Lanza VF, Lázaro B,de la Cruz F, Alvarez HM, Moncalián G.Nutrient starvation leading to triglyceride accumulation activates the EntnerDoudoroff pathway in Rhodococcusjostii RHA1.2017. Microb Cell Fact.Feb 27;16(1):35.
  • Hüttener M, Prieto A, Aznar S, Dietrich M, Paytubi S, Juárez A.Tetracycline alters gene expression in Salmonella strains that harbor the Tn10 transposon.2018. Environ Microbiol Rep.10(2):202-209.
  • Matalonga J, Glaria E, Bresque M, Escande C, Carbó JM, Kiefer K, Vicente R, León TE, Beceiro S, Pascual-García M, Serret J, Sanjurjo L, Morón-Ros S, Riera A, Paytubi S, Juarez A, Sotillo F, Lindbom L, Caelles C, Sarrias MR, Sancho J, Castrillo A, Chini EN, Valledor AF. The Nuclear Receptor LXR Limits Bacterial Infection of Host Macrophages through a Mechanism that Impacts Cellular NAD Metabolism.2017. Cell Reports Jan 31;18(5):1241-1255.
  • Solano-Collado V, Hüttener M, Espinosa M, Juárez A, Bravo A.MgaSpnand H-NS: Two Unrelated Global Regulators with Similar DNA-Binding Properties.2016.Front Mol Biosci. 29;3:60.
  • Prieto A, Urcola I, Blanco J, Dahbi G, Muniesa M, Quirós P, Falgenhauer L, Chakraborty T, Hüttener M, Juárez A. Tracking bacterial virulence: global modulators as indicators.2016. Sci Rep.12;6:25973.
  • Gibert M, Paytubi S, Beltrán S, Juárez A, Balsalobre C, Madrid C.Growth phase-dependent control of R27 conjugation is mediated by the interplay between the plasmid-encoded regulatory circuit TrhR/TrhY-HtdA and the cAMP regulon.2016. Environ Microbiol. 18(12):5277-5287.
  • Van Der Hofstadt M, Fabregas R, Millan-Solsona R, Juarez A, Fumagalli L, Gomila G.Internal Hydration Properties of Single Bacterial Endospores Probed by Electrostatic Force Microscopy. 2016. ACS Nano. 27;10(12):11327-11336.
  • Biagi MC, Fabregas R, Gramse G, Van Der Hofstadt M, Juárez A, Kienberger F, Fumagalli L, Gomila G.Nanoscale Electric Permittivity of Single Bacterial Cells at Gigahertz Frequencies by Scanning Microwave Microscopy.2016. ACS Nano. 26;10(1):280-8.
  • Jaramillo M C., Huttener M, Alvarez JM, Homs-Corbera A, Samitier J, Torrents E, Juárez A.Dielectrophoresis chips improve PCR detection of the food-spoiling yeast Zygosaccharomyces rouxii in apple juice.2015. Electrophoresis.36(13):1471-8.
  • Hüttener M, Paytubi S, Juárez A.Success in incorporating horizontally transferred genes: the H-NS protein.2015. Trends Microbiol.23(2):67-9.

Prof. Trinad Chakraborty. Univ. Giessen, RFA

Prof. Luis Angel Fernández. CNB. CSIC. Madrid

Profs. M. Espinosa/ A. Bravo. CIB. CSIC. Madrid

Profs. S. Merino and Joan Tomás. Universitat de Barcelona

Dr. Anna Pérez. Universitat de Barcelona.

Dr. José F. Sánchez Herrero. UOC