Categoria Totes Paraula clau Filtra Publication: Internal variability of the winter North Atlantic Oscillation longitudinal displacements Notícia | 30-11-2024 METEO-UB publishes a personal take on science and society Notícia | 26-11-2024 Publication: Meteorological factors associated with dry thunderstorms and simultaneous lightning-ignited wildfires: the 15 June 2022 outbreak in Catalonia Notícia | 24-10-2024 METEO-UB is leading a COST Action (MEDUSSE) Notícia | 18-10-2024 Publication: Exploring the role of national weather services in climate change knowledge and communication: an international survey Notícia | 11-10-2024 Publication: Floods in the Pyrenees: a global view through a regional database Notícia | 07-10-2024 I-CHANGE Project Coordinates Eight Living Labs through Citizen Science Campaigns to Raise Awareness on Air Pollution and Climate Change on World Environment Day Notícia | 16-09-2024 Publication: Validation of GPM DPR rainfall and drop size distributions using disdrometer observations in the Western Mediterranean Notícia | 16-07-2024 LIFE Pyrenees4Clima: un projecte per a un futur resilient als Pirineus davant el canvi climàtic Notícia | 10-07-2024 Publication: Comparison between non-orographic gravity-wave parameterizations used in QBOi models and Strateole 2 constant-level balloons Notícia | 05-07-2024 Publication: Hydrometeorological controls of and social response to the 22 October 2019 catastrophic flash flood in Catalonia, north-eastern Spain Notícia | 01-07-2024 Publication: Extraordinary 2021 snowstorm in Spain reveals critical threshold response to anthropogenic climate change Notícia | 20-06-2024 Publication: Experimental campaign for the characterization of precipitation in a complex terrain site using high resolution observations Notícia | 10-06-2024 Publication: Irrigation impact on boundary layer and precipitation characteristics in Weather Research and Forecasting model simulations during LIAISE-2021 Notícia | 01-06-2024 Publication: Tropical Atlantic variability in EC-EARTH: impact of the radiative forcing Notícia | 04-04-2024 Publication: SPEEDY-NEMO: performance and applications of a fully-coupled intermediate-complexity climate model Notícia | 07-02-2024 Publication: Drivers of Caribbean precipitation change due to global warming: analyses and emergent constraint of CMIP6 simulations Notícia | 06-02-2024 Publication: Disentangling satellite precipitation estimate errors of heavy rainfall at the daily and sub-daily scales in the Western Mediterranean Notícia | 24-01-2024 Publication: Tropical cyclone-specific mortality risks and the periods of concern: a multicountry time-series study Notícia | 22-01-2024 Publication: Numerical simulations of recent and future evolution of Monte Perdido glacier Notícia | 17-01-2024 1 2 3 4 5 6 següent