Publication: Reanalysing strong-convective wind damage paths using high-resolution aerial images
Publicacions | 31-07-2020 -
Publication: Current European flood-rich period exceptional compared with past 500 years
Publicacions | 22-07-2020 -
Publication: Boreal winter stratospheric variability in EC-EARTH: High-Top versus Low-Top
Publicacions | 14-02-2020 -
MEFF: The database of MEditerranean Flood Fatalities (1980 to 2015)
Publicacions | 12-04-2019 -
Publication: How does the seasonal cycle control Equatorial Atlantic interannual variability?
Publicacions | 18-01-2019 -
Publication: Skilful forecasting of global fire activity using seasonal climate predictions
Publicacions | 13-07-2018 -