
“Do climate events drive support for climate change policies?", Toni Rodon (UPF), Marc Guinjoan (UAB)

Avisos del Departament | 20-06-2024

Us convidem a assistir a la propera sessió acadèmica de ciència política que se celebrarà demà (dijous 20 de juny), a l’aula A-218:





Toni Rodon, Marc Guinjoan

Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 

“Do climate events drive support for climate change policies?"


L'hora d'inici serà a les 14:30h.



Are attitudes towards climate change and climate change policies affected by climate events? Does support for climate change policies increase following significant climate events? During the last decade, a fair amount of research on climate change has been devoted at understanding the extent to which attitudes towards climate change and climate change policies are affected by climate disasters or climate anomalies. Research has, however, often been focused on single case studies and, not surprisingly, the evidence is far from consistent. In this paper we aim at deepening on this research question by employing superior empirical means. For this, we examine public opinion on climate change and climate policies as a function of objective changes in temperature, floods, fire or hurricane occurrence, among others. We use several empirical strategies. First, we use fine-grained geographic data from the American Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and interpolate it with the survey data gathered by the Cooperative Election Study (CCES). Second, we exploit the panel structure of some CCES modules and examine within-level changes in support of climate change policies. Finally, we exploit all climate change events that occurred during the survey fieldwork and conduct an Unexpected Event during Survey Design (UESD). Our results show that extreme events trigger changes in support for pro-environmental policies, particularly among those individuals less concerned for climate change. Our findings have implications for our understanding of how real climate events affect people’s willingness to support climate change policies.

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