
“Ableism at the ballot box? Electoral support for disabled candidates in an open-list PR system", Stefanie Reher (University of Strathclyde )

Avisos del Departament | 23-05-2024

L'hora d'inici serà a les 14:30h.
Does being disabled affect candidates’ electoral success? While stigma and prejudice against disabled people remains rife, recent survey experimental evidence puts into question whether public opinion towards disabled candidates is really negative. The first to analyse voter support for real electoral candidates in this context, this study uses data from the 2019 Candidates Survey in Finland to examine whether candidates who identify as disabled receive more or less electoral support. The findings show that while candidates who report only being mildly hampered by a disability receive as many voters as non-disabled candidates from their parties, those with more severe barriers and functional limitations face a clear penalty at the ballot box. This cannot be explained by age, less political experience or lower campaign spending. The study provides valuable insights for disabled (aspiring) politicians and political parties as well as scholars of elections, representation, and identity, and an impetus for further data collection by both researchers and political institutions.
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