The Department
The Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology was founded on 8 June 2016 when the University of Barcelona’s departments were restructured. The new Department brought together the former Department of Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatment and the section of Psychobiology of the former Department of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychobiology. The current configuration gathers teaching and research staff from the knowledge areas of Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatment and Psychobiology, adjunct lecturers, research staff and members of the administrative and service staff assigned to the Department. In the Department, teaching includes numerous subjects that are part of the bachelors’ degrees in Psychology, Medicine and Criminology, among others. In addition, members of the Department participate in many official and UB-specific degrees at the University of Barcelona and at other Spanish and foreign universities. The broad subject area and interests of department members means that they are involved in numerous international, Spanish and local research projects, both basic and applied, and lead outstanding projects in these fields.