Director: Javier Tejero Salvador
Members of the research group: Montserrat Iborra Urios, Carles Fité Piquer, Roger Bringué Tomàs, Eliana Ramírez Rangel, Jordi Hug Badia Córcoles, Rodrigo Soto López
Research topics:
- Catalysis by ion exchange resins
- Synthesis of branched ethers by reaction of light of alcohols with C4 (MTBE, ETBE, PTBE, IPTBE, BTBE) y C5 olefins (TAME, ETAE). Branched ethers are suitable for reformulation of gasolines in cleaner fuels.
- Oligomerization of C5-C8 olefins.
- Dehydration of linear alcohols to linear higher ethers useful to diesel reformulation (DNPE, DNHE, DNOE, EOE).
- Biomass conversion into chemicals and biofuels substituents of products derived from fossil sources of raw materials and energy (alkyl levulinates).