- Notícia | 22-07-2022
Descobert un nou perfil metabòlic en pacients de leucèmia mieloide aguda
Notícia | 14-07-2022 -
Un estudi revela el paper decisiu de l’enzim PDK1 en la leucèmia mieloide aguda
Notícia | 01-04-2022 -
Experimental and human studies on aging of adipose tissues: Role for Parkin
Notícia | 15-10-2021 -
Gene regulatory networks in pancreatic islets and insulinoma
Notícia | 01-10-2021 -
The metabolic aspects of macroH2A histone variants
Notícia | 17-09-2021 -
The metabolic aspects of macroH2A histone variants
Notícia | 17-09-2021 -
Eines per a l´estudi del metabolisme i els efectes dels esfingolípids
Notícia | 14-06-2021 -
Selective effects of Liver X Receptor activation in host–bacteria interaction
Notícia | 08-06-2021 -
Role of CLA+T lymphocytes in the mechanisms triggering psoriasis
Notícia | 20-05-2021 -