Respiratory biophysics/bioengineering and medical devices. PI: Ramon Farré Ventura



The general aim of the group is the study of the biophysical mechanisms determining respiratory function. The work of the group is based on an interdisciplinary approach, with integration between basic and clinical research. In parallel to the scientific objectives, our group promotes transfer to the industrial setting of the technological advances derived from the research work. The group also focuses on the design of low-cost open-source medical devices for developing countries:

  • Respiratory mechanics

The aim of research in respiratory mechanics is to investigate the viscoelastic properties of the airways and lung tissues. At present, the work fundamentally focuses on the study of upper airway collapsibility in obstructive apnea-hypopnea during sleep and on the monitoring of noninvasive mechanical ventilation during respiratory failure. The clinical aim of this research is to obtain improved noninvasive diagnostic techniques, and to optimize the treatment methods based on ventilation assist measurements.

  • Molecular and cellular nanomechanics

The introduction of nanotechnologies allowing the manipulation of materials on the nanometric and pico-Newton scale has opened up new perspectives for the investigation of individual biomolecules and cells. Our group uses atomic force microscopy, magnetic microspheres and traction force microscopy to study cell adhesion and the mechanical properties of lung cells and leukocytes. Studies are also made of the mechanical properties of embryonic and adult stem cells during the differentiation process, and of the way in which mechanical stimuli can enhance differentiation towards the alveolar epithelial phenotype. One of our projects in this setting focuses on organ regeneration. Specifically, work is done on the bioartificial production of functional rat lungs by means of the re-cellularization of the extracellular matrix of the organ with stem cells, and recreation of the mechanical pulmonary micro-nano environment, to optimize cell differentiation.

Condicionamiento biofísico de células madre/estromales mesenquimales para la terapia del síndrome de distrés respiratorio agudo

Principal investigator: Ramon Farré
Plan Nacional (Retos)
PID2020-113910RB-I00 (2021-2024)

Efectos de la hipoxia/hipercapnia en la interacción biomecánica célula-matriz pulmonar en la progresión de las enfermedades respiratorias

Principal investigator: Ramon Farré
Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Programa Nacional de Biomedicina
SAF2017-85574-R (2018-2020)

Impact of Obstructive sleep apnea in the evolution of Alzheimer Disease. Role of hypoxia and sleep fragmentation

Principal investigator: Ramon Farré
Fundació Marató TV3 (2014323)

Enfermedades Respiratorias

Principal investigator: Ramon Farré
Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, Programa Ingenio 2010, Programa Consolider, accions CIBER
CB06/06/0026 (2006-2019)

Mecanismos del aumento del crecimiento tumoral y metástasis inducido por  hipoxia intermitente en modelo celular/animal de apnea del sueño. Papel del envejecimiento y la menopausia

Principal investigator: Ramon Farré
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
FIS PI14/00004 (2015-2017)

  • Offers from the University of Barcelona:

Work UB

  • Offers from the Research Group:

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