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El proper 22 de març de 2019 tindrem l'honor de rebre la visita del Dr. Chairat Treesubsuntorn a la nostra facultat. El Dr. Treesubsuntorn treballa com a professor al Pilot Plant Development and Training Institute (PDTI) de Bangkok (Tailàndia) i presentarà els seus darrers resultats en el camp de la fitoremediació, en una xerrada que porta per títol: «Inhibition of cadmium uptake and translocation in Oryza sativa indica by using calcium-acetate and calcium-chloride: Efficiency and possible mechanisms». Us hi esperem.
We are delighted to announce that we will be receiving the visit of Dr. Chairat Treesubsuntorn in March. Dr. Treesubstorn works as an Assistant Professor at the Pilot Plant Development and Training Institute (PDTI) in Bangkok (Thailand) and will present his lasts results in the field of phytoremediation.
During his visit, he will give a talk entitled «Inhibition of cadmium uptake and translocation in Oryza sativa indica by using calcium-acetate and calcium-chloride: Efficiency and possible mechanisms». The talk will take place at the Faculty of Biology on March 22nd at 12 pm and is open to everyone interested.