EcoCafè - visita del Prof. Jeffrey McDonnell



Dimecres 18 d'octubre, a les 12:30 seminari del Prof. Jeffrey McDonnell, director del McDonnell Hillslope Hydrology Lab de la University of Saskatchewan (Canadà).


Ens parlarà sobre la seva recerca centrada en la disponibilitat de recursos hidrics i la competència els boscos i els rius.



The link between trees and streamflow has been studied quantitatively for >100 years. And at the catchment scale the lumped response is clear (albeit messy): that streamflow is indeed impacted by tree planting and tree removal. But, despite this catchment scale response to perturbations, the plot-scale and hillslope-scale mechanisms by which trees link to streams is still, surprisingly, poorly understood. Here I explore this process knowledge in terms of what we know, what we think we know and what we need to know in terms of how trees compete for water with streams; with examples from field and lab experiments in North America, Europe and China


