Susana Narotzky Molleda

Crisis de reproducción social: Valoraciones de la vida y valorizaciones del capital (Master 2021-present)

Antropología del consumo (2020-21)

Línies temàtiques

Antropología económica: Reproducción social, obtención de recursos, crisis, desigualdad, diferenciación social, sostenibilidad social y medioambiental, formas de valoración económica y social

Antropología del trabajo: Trabajo agrícola e industrial, formal e informal, trabajo asalariado y no remunerado, trabajo doméstico y de cuidado, formas de organización y de explotación

Movilización política: Memoria histórica, movilización política, conflicto, hegemonía, clases y grupos sociales

Marcos teóricos: Economía política crítica, economía feminista, economía moral, categorías relacionales, dimensiones de escalas y temporalidades


Grup de recerca

Grup d’Estudis sobre Reciprocitat (GER). Directora 1998-2014, codirectora 2019-2022, directora 2022-present.


Comitès assessors de projectes

Swiss National Science Foudation (2021-2025) “Europe's Un/Deserving: Moralizations of Inequality in Comparative Perspective” [MoI], PI Jelena Tosic, University of St Gallen, Member of Scientific Advisory Board, Project number 192170

ERC Starting Grant (2020-2025) “Between Sea and City: Ethnographic explorations of infrastructure, work, and place around leading urban container ports” [PORTS], PI Elisabeth Schober, University of Oslo, Member of Advisory Board

FCT, Fundação para a ciencia e tecnologia (2019-2021) “Governação, transformações políticas e negociação de quotidianos: Portugal / Negotiating Livelihoods under transformative politics: crisis, policies and practices in Portugal 2008-18”. PI Antónia Pedroso de Lima, ISCTE-IUL. Member of Scientific Board, project number PTDC/SOC-ANT/32676/2017

ERC Starting Grant (2019-2021) “Returning to a Better Place: The (Re)assessment of the ‘Good Life’ in Times of Crisis”, [BETLIV], PI Valerio Simoni, The Graduate Institute, Geneva. Member of Advisory Board, Project number 759649.

National Science Foundation Award (2018-2020), “Rethinking Social Change: The Squares Movement in Barcelona and Paris”, PI Ida Susser, City University of New York. Senior Consultant Advisory Board, Project number 620127915

ERC Advanced Grant (2016-2021) “Crosslocations in the Mediterranean: rethinking the socio-cultural dynamics of relative positioning. [CROSSLOCATIONS]”, PI Sarah Green, University of Helsinki. Member of Advisory Board, Project number 694482

Academy of Finland (2016-2020) “Transit, Trade and Travel in Europe’s southeastern peripheries: how the Mediterranean’s relative position is shifting” [TTT]. PI Sarah Green, University of Helsinki. Member of Advisory Board, Project number 297432.

Academy of Finland (2016-2020) “Cold Rush: Dynamics of language and identity in expanding Arctic economics”. PI Sari Pietikäinen, University of Jyväskylä. Member of Advisory Board, Project number 296564.

Research Council of Norway (2018-2020) “Life Cycle of Container Ships”, PI Elisabeth Schober, University of Oslo, Member of Advisory Board, Project number 275204


Projectes finançats

2024-2028 Pan-European Food Systems Science Network (FoSSNET), HORIZON EUROPE CL6, PI-coord Stine Rosenlund Hansen, (PI-UB Ana Moragues Faus), S. Narotzky team member

2023-2025 PI Narotzky, Susana, Grup d’Estudis de Reciprocitat, Grup de Recerca Consolidat SGR-Cat 2021, SGR00005, Generalitat de Catalunya (sense finançament)

Fellowship Program ICREA-Acadèmia 2021, Generalitat de Catalunya. 2022-2026

2021-2024, IP Narotzky, “Alimentos valiosos, trabajadores esenciales, personas vulnerables y respuestas sociales ante la crisis: sistemas de aprovisionamiento alimentario en la pandemia de covid-19” [Valuable food, essential workers, vulnerable people, and social responses to crisis: Food provisioning systems during the COVID-19 pandemic] (FOOD-Pan), Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, PID2020-114317GB-I00

2020- Marie Curie Grant, MSCA-IF-2019, H2020, "From mining policy to grassroot politics. Industrial citizenship in times of crisis", Coordinadora: S. Narotzky, Investigadora Post-doctoral: Doris Buu-Sao

2020- Marie Curie Grant, MSCA-IF-2019, H2020, "Origins of Scarcity: Labour and the Metabolism of Groundwater in the Doñana Socioecological System", Coordinadora: S. Narotzky, Investigadora Post-doctoral: Natalia Buier

2019-2020 "Valuations of life: struggling for a future in Southern Europe", Social Science School, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton

Fellowship Program ICREA-Acadèmia 2016. Generalitat de Catalunya. 2017-2021

Grassroots Economics: Meaning, Project and practice in the pursuit of livelihood [GRECO]. PI Narotzky, European Research Council Advanced Grant (IDEAS-ERC FP7; PN: 323743). 2013-2018. Investigadora Principal.

Building Synergy: Generations, Care and Crisis [Generations], PI Narotzky, Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research, University of Amsterdam i Fundació Bosch Gimpera. 2013-2016. Investigadora Principal.

Abordar los múltiples aspectos de la sostenibilidad: Políticas publicas y proyectos de vida [AMAS], PI Narotzky, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (CSO2011-26843). 2012-2015. Investigadora Principal.

Fellowship Program ICREA-Acadèmia 2010. Generalitat de Catalunya. 2011-2015.

Economías Morales e Innovación Social en Entornos de Crisis [EMISEC], PI Narotzky, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (CSO2009-08059-E/SOCI). 2010-2012. Investigadora Principal.

Models and their Effects on Development paths: an Ethnographic and comparative Approach to knowledge transmission and livelihood strategies [MEDEA]. FP7- CT-2009-225670. 2009-2012. Coordinadora Científica & PI Narotzky UB (PI: Victoria Goddard, Goldsmiths-University of London).


Premis i distincions recents

  • 2022-2027 Award and Five Year Fellowship ICREA-Academia, Institut Català de Recerca i Estudis Avançats, Generalitat de Catalunya
  • 2020 Premio Nacional de Investigación en Humanidades “Ramón Menéndez Pidal”
  • 2019-2020 Member, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton.
  • 2016-2021 Award and Five Year Fellowship ICREA-Academia, Institut Català de Recerca i Estudis Avançats, Generalitat de Catalunya
  • 2013-2018 European Research Council Advanced Grant
  • 2010-2015 Award and Five Year Fellowship ICREA-Academia, Institut Català de Recerca i Estudis Avançats, Generalitat de Catalunya

Narotzky, S. (2022) “Provisioning and the household”. In James Carrier (ed.) A Handbook of Economic Anthropology. Third Edition. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp.56-70

Narotzky, S. (2023) “Marxism in the horizon: an essay on Maurice Godelier”, Dialectical Anthropology 47: 377–390

Narotzky, S. and Martínez Álvarez, B. (2023) “Moral dilemmas in food provisioning: the claim for “just prices” and for “fair wages”, International Sociology 38(6): 664-683

Neiburg, F; Guérin, I.; Narotzky, S. (2023) “Cost of living: Expert concepts and everyday efforts in unstable landscapes” International Sociology 38(6): 601-609

Narotzky, S. (2022) “Comment on Alicia Reigada: A Link in Global Agrifood Chains Recruitment Policies, Work, and Sexuality in the Strawberry Fields of Andalusia (Spain)”, Current Anthropology Vol.63(5): 533-34

Xiang, B.; Narotzky, S. and Lan, P-C. (2022) “Shift in Drivers of Migration: From Economic Accumulation to Social Reproduction and Lifestyle Consumption”, Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics 8(2): 211-216

Narotzky, S. (2022 forthcoming) “To have a life: Labor reproduction, value and negative value.” In Sharryn Kasmir and Lesley Gill (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of the Anthropology of Labor. London: Routledge, pp.3-16

Narotzky, S. (2022) “Caring for the old and letting them die: a political economy of human worth.” In Tošić, Jelena and Andreas Streinzer. Submitted. Ethnographies of Deservingness. Unpacking Ideologies of Distribution and Inequality. New York and Oxford: Berghahn, pp.31-67

Pusceddu, A.M.; Loperfido, G. and Narotzky, S. (2021) “Introduction. The Everyday States of Austerity: Politics and Livelihoods in Europe”, Antropologia Vol.8(3): 7-26 (acceso abierto)

Narotzky, S. (2021) “The Janus face of austerity politics: autonomy and dependence in contemporary Spain.” Focaal. Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology 90: 22–35. (acceso abierto)

Narotzky, S. (2021) “The politics of evidence in an uncertain world: experience, knowledge, social facts and factual truth”, Disparidades. Revista de Antropología 76(1):1-13. (acceso abierto)

Narotzky, S. (2021) “Agricultural day Labor in Spain: The logics of (pandemic) capitalism.”  In Fassin, D., Fourcade, M. (eds.), Pandemic Exposures: Economy and Society in the Time of Coronavirus. Chicago: HAU/ The University of Chicago Press, pp.247-273, (acceso abierto)

Narotzky, S. (2021) “A History of Precariousness in Spain” Focaal Blog, 29 January 2021.

Narotzky, S. (ed.) (2020) Grassroots Economies: Living with Austerity in Southern Europe, London: Pluto Press

Narotzky, S. (2020) “Introduction: Grassroots Economics in Europe”. In Narotzky, S. (ed.) Grassroots Economies: Living with Austerity in Southern Europe, London: Pluto Press

Narotzky, S.; Pusceddu, A. (2020) “Social reproduction in times of crisis: inter-generational tensions in southern Europe”. In Narotzky, S. (ed.) Grassroots Economies: Living with Austerity in Southern Europe, London: Pluto Press

Narotzky, S.; Matos, P.; Pusceddu, A.M. (2020) “Valuation struggles: Rethinking the economy in times of crisis” interview by Corinne Schwaller, Gerhild Perl, Janina Kehr for Tsantsa. Journal of the Swiss Anthropological Association Vol.25: 182–193.

NAROTZKY, S. (ed.) (2020) Grassroots Economies: Living with Austerity in Southern Europe, London: Pluto Press

NAROTZKY, S. (2020) “Introduction: Grassroots Economics in Europe”. In Narotzky, S. (ed.) Grassroots Economies: Living with Austerity in Southern Europe, London: Pluto Press

NAROTZKY, S.; Pusceddu, A. (2020) “Social reproduction in times of crisis: inter-generational tensions in southern Europe”. In Narotzky, S. (ed.) Grassroots Economies: Living with Austerity in Southern Europe, London: Pluto Press

NAROTZKY, S. (2019) “Evidence Struggles: Legality, Legitimacy, and Social Mobilizations in the Catalan Political Conflict”, Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies Vol. 26(1): 31-60

NAROTZKY, S. (2019) “Austerity lives in Southern Europe: Experience, knowledge, evidence and social facts”, in Jillian Cavanaugh & Karen Ho (eds.) Vital Topics Forum: What happened to social facts? American Anthropologist, Vol. 121(1):187-193

NAROTZKY, S. (2019) “Populism’s claims: The struggle between privilege and equality” in Bruce Kapferer & Dimitrios Theodossopoulos (eds.) Democracy's paradox: Populism and its Contemporary Crisis, Oxford: Berghahn, pp.97-121

Homs, P. & Narotzky, S. (2019) “Within and beyond the market system. A case of organic food cooperatives in Catalonia”. In Krista Harper & Valeria Siniscalchi (eds) Food Values in Europe: Economies, Ideologies, and Power in Practice. London: Bloomsbury, pp.132-146

BESNIER, N. & NAROTZKY, S. (2019) “Epilogue. Indeterminacy : Between Worth and Worthlessness" in Catherine Alexander and Andrew Sanchez (eds.) Waste, Value, and the Imagination. Oxford: Berghahn, pp.181-193

NAROTZKY, S. (2017) “Librando la batalla por la ideología: contra la hegemonía de la forma” in Palenzuela, P. (ed) Antropología y compromiso, Barcelona: Icaria. [Spanish translation of “On Waging the Ideological War: Against the Hegemony of Form” Anthropological Theory, Vol. 16(2-3): 263-284]

NAROTZKY, S. (2018) “Rethinking the concept of labour”, dins HARVEY, P.; KROHN-HANSEN, Ch. (ed.) Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute [Special Issue on Labour].

NAROTZKY, S.; GODDARD, V. (ed.) (2017) Work and Livelihoods. History, Ethnography and Models in Times of Crisis. Nova York: Routledge, Society for the Anthropology of Work Book Prize 2017.

NAROTZKY, S. (2017) “Making Difference: Concluding Comments on Work and Livelihoods”, dins NAROTZKY, S.; GODDARD, V. (ed.) Work and Livelihoods. History, Ethnography and Models in Times of Crisis, p. 205-215. Nova York: Routledge.

NAROTZKY, S. (2016) “Anthropologies and Anthropology in Tension: A Preface” American Anthropologist, Vol. 118 (4): 843-845.

NAROTZKY, S. (2016) “On Waging the Ideological War: Against the Hegemony of Form” Anthropological Theory, Vol. 16(2-3): 263-284.

NAROTZKY, S. (2016) “Where Have All the Peasants Gone?”, Annual Review of Anthropology, Vol. 45: 301-318.

NAROTZKY, S. (2016) “Teaching in crisis: Anthropology under structural adjustment”, Special Issue on Anthropologists in/of the neoliberal academy, edited by Heatherington & Zerilli, Anuac Vol. 5(1):41-90.

NAROTZKY, S. (2016) “Between inequality and injustice: dignity as a motive for mobilization during the crisis”. History and Anthropology, 27 (1): 74-92.

NAROTZKY, S. (2016) “Spain is the Problem, Europe the Solution: Economic Models, Labor Organization and the Hope for a Better Future”, dins GLEDHILL, J. (ed.) World Anthropologies in Practice, p. 19-39. Londres: Bloomsbury.

NAROTZKY, S. (2015) “The Payoff of Love and the Traffic of Favours: Reciprocity, Social Capital, and the Blurring of Value Realms in Flexible Capitalism”, dins KJAERULFF, J. (ed.) Flexible Capitalism. Exchange and Ambiguity at Work, p. 268-310. Oxford: Berghahn.

NAROTZKY, S. (2015) “The organic intellectual and the production of class in Spain”, dins CARRIER, J.G.; KALB, D. (ed.) Anthropologies of Class. Power, Practice and Inequality, p. 125-164. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

NAROTZKY, S.; GODDARD, V. (2015) “Industry and Work in Contemporary Capitalism: Models, markets and crisis in the global system”, dins GODDARD, V.; NAROTZKY, S. (ed.) Industry and Work in Contemporary Capitalism: Global Models, Local Lives?, p. 1-16. Londres: Routledge.

GODDARD, V.; NAROTZKY, S. (ed.) (2015) Industry and Work in Contemporary Capitalism: Global Models, Local Lives? Londres: Routledge.

NAROTZKY, S. (2014) “Weaving Knowledge Histories around Political Engagement: A Story of Anthropological Understanding”. American Anthropologist, 116 (3): 1-5.

NAROTZKY, S. (2014) “Structures without soul and immediate struggles: rethinking militant particularism in contemporary Spain”, dins KASMIR, S.; CARBONELLA, G. (ed.) Blood and Fire: Toward a New Anthropology of Labour, p. 167-202. Nova York: Berghahn.

NAROTZKY, S.; BESNIER, N. (2014) “Crisis, Value, Hope: Rethinking the Economy” (introduction of special issue). Current Anthropology, 55 (9): 4-16.

NAROTZKY, S.; MANZANO, E. (2014) “The hisba, the muhtasib and the struggle over political power and a moral economy: An enquiry into institutions”, dins HUDSON, J.; RODRÍGUEZ, A. (ed.) Diverging Paths? The Shape of Power and Institutions in medieval islam and Christendom, p. 30-54. Leiden: Brill.

NAROTZKY, S. (ed.) (2013) Economías cotidianas, economías sociales, economías sostenibles. Barcelona: Icaria.

NAROTZKY, S. (2013) “What kind of commons are the urban commons?”. Focaal. Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology, 66: 122-24.

NAROTZKY, S. (2013) “The anthropology of economic processes in a Europe in Crisis”. Perspectives on Europe.

NAROTZKY, S. (2013) “Moral outrage and political mobilization: reactions to austerity measures and the economic crisis”. Suomen Antropologi, 38 (4): 43-47.

NAROTZKY, S. (2013) “Economías cotidianas, economías sociales, economías sostenibles”, dins NAROTZKY, S. (ed.) Economías cotidianas, economías sociales, economías sostenibles, p. 7-27. Barcelona: Icaria.

NAROTZKY, S. (2012) “Provisioning” (revised chapter), dins CARRIER, J. (ed.) A Handbook of Economic Anthropology (2nd edition, revised), p. 77-94. Edward Elgar.

NAROTZKY, S. (2012) “Europe in crisis: grassroots economies and the anthropological turn”. Etnográfica, 16 (3): 627-638.

NAROTZKY, S. (2012) “Comentário. A antropologia numa Europa em crise: desafios e oportunidades”. Análise Social, XLVII (204): 725-735.

NAROTZKY, S. (2012) “Alternatives to expanded accumulation and the anthropological imagination: turning necessity into a challenge to capitalism?”, dins LEACH, B.; GARDINER, P.; LEM, W. (ed.) Confronting Capital: Critique and Engagement in Anthropology, p. 239-252. Londres: Routledge.

NAROTZKY, S. (2011) “Memories of conflict and present day struggles in Europe: New tensions between corporatism, class, and social movements”. Identities, 18 (2): 97-112.

NAROTZKY, S. (2010) “Reciprocidad y capital social: modelos teóricos, políticas de desarrollo, economías alternativas. Una perspectiva antropológica”, dins BRETÓN, V. (ed.) Saturno devora a sus hijos. Miradas críticas sobre el desarrollo y sus promesas, p. 127-174. Barcelona: Icaria.

NAROTZKY, S. (2010) “Las antropologías hegemónicas y las antropologías del Sur: el caso de España”. Antípoda (11): 241-258.

NAROTZKY, S. (2010) “Gender, history and political activism in Spain”, dins LEM, W.; GARDINER, P. (ed.) Class, Contention and a World in Motion, p. 125-137. Oxford: Berghahn.

NAROTZKY, S. (2009) “Trabajo a domicilio y trabajo doméstico en la globalización neoliberal. Del feminismo igualitarista a la ética del cuidado: situando la responsabilidad”, dins TÉLLEZ, A.; MARTÍNEZ GUIRAO, J.E. (ed.) Economía informal y perspectiva de género en contextos de trabajo, p. 197-218. Barcelona: Icaria.

NAROTZKY, S. (2009) “Regulation and Production in a Globalized World: What Ethnography brings to Comparison”. Ethnology, 48(3): 175-193.
