Silvia De Zordo

Antropologia de la Salut (Grau d'Antropologia Social i Cultural)

Cos, Gènere i Sexualitat (Màster d’Antropologia i Etnografia)

Línies temàtiques

Polítiques de planificació familiar

Governança i justícia reproductiva



Objecció de consciència

Desigualtats socials i de gènere

Grups de recerca

Grup de Recerca en Gènere, Identitat i Diversitat (GENI)


Projectes finançats als últims anys

Travelling for abortion care: abortion travel and support networks to pregnant people seeking abortion care in Europe, North-Africa and Latin America. Projecte coordinat I+D Retos: PID2020-112692RB-C22. Ministeri Ciència e Innovació. 2021-2025.

Women travelling to seek abortion care in Europe: the impact of barriers to legal abortion on women living in countries with ostensibly liberal abortion laws (BAR2LEGAB). HORIZON 2020. PILLAR 1-EXCELLENT SCIENCE. ERC Stg 680004. European Research Council. 2016-2021. IP: Silvia de Zordo.

La individualización de las relaciones de parentesco. Un estudio antropológico. Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad: HAR2013-48901-C6-2-R. 2014-2017. IP: Joan Luis Bestard Camps.

Experiences of non-resident abortion seekers in the United Kingdom. European Society of Contraception and Reproductive Health. 2013-2015. IP: Silvia De Zordo.

Estudio cualitativo de las experiencias y actitudes ante el aborto, su estigmatización y la objeción de conciencia en Cataluña por parte del personal sanitaria y de mujeres que han tenido una interrupción de embarazo. Generalitat de Catalunya. 2013- 2015. IP: Silvia De Zordo.

Experiences and attitudes of obstetricians-gynaecologists, residents and medical students towards abortion and conscientious objection in the UK and Italy. Marie Curie Action. Host Institution: Goldsmiths-University of London (UK). 2011-2013. IP: Silvia De Zordo.

Health professionals' experiences and attitudes toward abortion stigma and conscientious objection in Italy. Ellertson Post-Fellowship Transition Research Support Grant. Durada: 2010-2011. IP: Silvia De Zordo.

Health professionals' experiences and attitudes to legal and illegal abortion in two maternity hospitals in Salvador da Bahia (Brazil). Ellerston Social Science Postdoctoral Fellowship in Abortion and Reproductive Health. Host Institution: Columbia University (USA). 2008-2010. IP: Silvia De Zordo.

DE ZORDO, S.; MISHTAL, J.; ZANINI, G.; GERDTS, C. (2023)  “ ‘The first difficulty is time’: The impact of gestational age limits on reproductive health and justice in the context of cross-border travel for abortion care in Europe” Social Science & Medicine, 321,

RAHM, L. ; DE ZORDO, S. ; MISHTAL, J.  et al. (2023) “French women’s experiences and opinions with in-country versus cross-border abortion travel: a mixed-methods paper” BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health 10.1136/bmjsrh-2022-201712.

RAHM, L.; DE ZORDO S.; MISHTAL, J.; GARNSEY, CL.; GERDTS, C. (2022) “Inter-departmental abortion travels in metropolitan France: A mixed-methods analysis of women's experiences, access, and barriers to abortion care”. PLoS One 17(10): e0273190. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0273190.

DE ZORDO, S.; MARRE, D.; SMIETANA, M. (2022) Introduction: “Demographic Anxieties in the Age of 'Fertility Decline' ” Medical Anthropology (Special Issue) 41 - 6-7: 591 - 599.

MATTALUCCI, C.; DE ZORDO, S. (2022) “Demographic Anxiety and Abortion: Italian Pro-Life Volunteers and Gynecologists Perspectives” Medical Anthropology, 41 - 6-7: 674 – 688

MISHTAL, J.; ZANINI, G.; DE ZORDO, S.; CLOUGHER, D.; GERDTS, C. (2022) “ ‘To be vigilant to leave no trace’: secrecy, invisibility and abortion travel from the Republic of Ireland” Culture, Health & Sexuality DOI: 10.1080/13691058.2022.2107704

GARNSEY, C.; ZANINI, G.; DE ZORDO, S.; MISHTAL, J.; WOLLUM, A.; GERDTS, C. (2021) “Cross-country abortion travel to England and Wales: results from a cross-sectional survey exploring people’s experiences crossing borders to obtain care” Reproductive Health 18, 103

MISHTAL, J; DE ZORDO, S. (2021) “Cross-Border Travel for Reproductive Health”, Encyclopedia of Life Sciences: Bioethics and Philosophy, 2, p. 1 - 8. (Estados Unidos de América): Wiley

MISHTAL, J.; DE ZORDO, S. (2021) “Policy, Governance, Practice - Global Perspectives on Abortion”,  The Routledge Handbook of Anthropology and Reproduction, London: Routledge, pp. 150 – 164

DE ZORDO, S.; ZANINI, G.; MISHTAL, J.; GARNSEY, C.; ZIEGLER, A. K.; GERDTS, C. (2020) “Gestational age limits for abortion and cross-border reproductive care in Europe: a mixed-methods study” BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 128: 838– 845

ZANINI, G.; MISHTAL, J.; DE ZORDO S.; ZIEGLER, A.K.; GERDTS, C. (2021) “Abortion information governance and women’s travels across European borders”, Women’s Studies International Forum, 87:;

DE ZORDO S.; MISHTAL, J.; ZANINI, G.; GERDTS, C. (2020) “Consequences of gestational age limits for people needing abortion care during the COVID-19 pandemic”. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters, 28

MISHTAL, J.; DE ZORDO, S.; CAPELLI, I.; MARTINO, A.; RAHM, L.; ZANINI, G. (2020) “Political (in)action in abortion  governance during COVID-19 in Europe: a call for a harmonized EU response during public health crises” Medical Anthropology Quarterly.

MATTALUCCI, C.; MISHTAL, J., DE ZORDO, S., “Introduction: Emerging Contestations of Abortion Rights: New Discourses and Political Strategies at the Intersection of Rights, Health and Law” (Special Issue), Antropologia, Volume 5, Issue 2, October 2018: 1-12.

UNNITHAN, M.; DE ZORDO, S. (2018) "Re-situating abortion: Bio-politics, global health and rights in neo-liberal times", Global Public Health (Special Issue). DOI:

UNNITHAN, M.; DE ZORDO, S.(2018) "Introduction" (Special Issue: "Re-situating Abortion: Bio-politics, Global Health and Rights in Neo-liberal Times")

DE ZORDO, S. (2017) "From women's 'irresponsibility' to foetal 'patienthood': Obstetricians-gynaecologists' perspectives on abortion and its stigmatisation in Italy and Cataluña", Global Public Health (Special Issue: "Re-situating Abortionio-politics, Global Health and Rights in Neo-liberal Times")

GERDTS, C.; DE ZORDO, S.; MISHTAL, J.; BARR-WALKER, J.; LOHR, P. (2016) "Experiences of women who travel in England for abortion: an exploratory pilot-study" European Journal Of Contraception And Reproductive Health Care (Special Issue) 21 (5): 401-407

DE ZORDO, S. (2016) "Lo stigma dell'aborto e l'obiezione di coscienza: l'esperienza e le opinioni dei ginecologi in Italia e in Catalogna (Spagna)" Medicina nei Secoli Arte e Scienza, 28 (1): 195-248

DE ZORDO, S. (2016) "The biomedicalization of illegal abortion: tensions around the use (and abuse) of self-administered misoprostol in Salvador da Bahia's public hospitals" Historia, Ciencias, Saúde-Manguinhos, 23 (1): 19-35

DE ZORDO, S.; MISHTAL, J.; ANTON, L. (ed.) (2016) A fragmented Landscape: Abortion Governance and Protest Logics in Europe. Oxford/Nova York: Berghahn

DE ZORDO, S.; MISHTAL, J.; ANTON, L. (2016) 'Introduction' A: A fragmented Landscape: Abortion Governance and Protest Logics in Postwar Europe. Oxford/Nova York: Berghahn, p. 1-20

DE ZORDO, S. (2016) "'Good doctors do not object': obstetricians-gynaecolosists' perspectives on conscientious objection to abortion care and their engagement with pro-abortion rights protests in Italy" A: A fragmented Landscape: Abortion Governance and Protest Logics in Europe. Oxford/Nova York: Berghahn, p. 147-168

DE ZORDO, S. (2015) "Interruption volontaire de grossesse et clause de conscience en Italie et en Espagne, entre droits des femmes et « droits » du fœtus/patient". Revue Sociologie, Santé Special Issue : "Santé reproductive : routines, normes, invisibilités", 38: 107-129

DE ZORDO, S.; MARCHESI, M. (ed.) (2014) Reproduction and Biopolitics: Ethnographies of Governance, 'Irrationality' and Resistance . Londres/Nova York: Routledge

LOMBARDI, L.; DE ZORDO, S. (ed.) (2013) La procreazione assistita e le sue sfide: corpi, generi e tecnologie. Milà: Franco Angeli

DE ZORDO, S. (2013) "L’altra faccia dell’infertilità e della medicalizzazione della riproduzione: sterilizzazione, prevenzione dell’infertilità e NTR in Brasile", a LOMBARDI, L.; DE ZORDO, S. (ed.): La procreazione assistita e le sue sfide: corpi, generi e tecnologie. Milà :Franco Angeli, p. 201-212

DE ZORDO, S. (2013) "Planejamento familiar e incorporação das desigualdades sociais, de gênero e raciais em Salvador da Bahia: escolhas contraceptivas de mulheres negras de baixa renda na tensão entre a casa e a clinica", dins: GARCIA, A.; GARCIA, A. Jr.(ed.): Relações de Gênero, Raça, Classe e Identidade Social no Brasil e na França, Letra Capital, p. 47-65

DE ZORDO, S. (2012) "Programming the body, planning reproduction, governing life: the '(ir-) rationality' of family planning and the embodiment of social inequalities in Salvador da Bahia (Brazil)" Anthropology and Medicine (Special Issue) 19 (2): 207- 223

KRAUSE, E.L.; DE ZORDO, S. (2012) "Introduction. Ethnography and biopolitics: tracing 'rationalities' of reproduction across the north-south divide" Anthropology and Medicine (Special Issue) 19 (2):137-151

DE ZORDO, S. (2012) "Representações e experiências sobre aborto legal e ilegal dos ginecologistas-obstetras trabalhando em dois Hospitais maternidade de Salvador da Bahia" Ciencia & Saude Coletiva, 17(7): 1745-1754

DE ZORDO, S. (2012) "In search of pleasure and respect: biomedical contraceptive technologies in Bahia, Brazil". A: Technologies of Sexuality, Identity and Sexual Health. Routledge: 16-34

DE ZORDO, S.; MISHTAL, J.(2011) "Physicians and Abortion: Provision, Political Participation and Conflicts on the Ground. The cases of Brazil and Poland" Women's Health Issues, 21 (35): S 32-S 36

NORRIS, A.; BESSETT, D.; STEINBERG, J.R.; KAVANAUGH, M.L.; DE ZORDO, S.; BECKER, D. (2011) "Abortion stigma: A reconceptualization of constituents, causes and consequences" Women's Health Issues, 21(35): S 49-S 54
