Martin Lundsteen

Investigador Beatriu de Pinós


934 037 507


Migracions i processos transnacionals (Grau en Antropologia, Universitat de Barcelona) 2022-Actualment
Taller d’etnografia (Grau en Antropologia, Universitat de Barcelona) 2021-2022
Espai, dinàmiques i polítiques locals d’integració (Màster Universitari en Estudis Migratoris, Universitat de Girona) 2021-2022
Qualitative Research Analysis (Màster Universitari en Estudis Migratoris, Universitat Pompeu Fabra) 2018-2020


(2023-2026) “Tensions between the right to housing and private ownership in rental relations. A socio-legal approach (TEVIPROP).” Funding: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Call: State Subprogram for Knowledge Generation. Identifier: PID2022-138661NB-I00

(2023-2024) “Una diversitat desbordada. Els nous reptes per la convivència religiosa a Catalunya en clau de gènere.” Funding: Generalitat de Catalunya. Call: RELIG 2023-2024. Identifier: DGAR22/22/000002

(2023-2026) “Enclosure and Displacements: Bordering the Nation.” Role: Postdoctoral Fellow, PI. Funding: Generalitat de Cataluna, Marie-Skłodowska Curie Cofund. Call: BP2021. Identifier: 2021 BP 00222.

(2022-2024) “Research-action against Antigypsyism and Anti-Muslim Discrimination: An intersectional approach to deconstruct Institutional Racism in schools.” (REACT). Role: PI of WP 4; Funding: European Research Council. Call: CERV-2022-EQUAL; Identifier: 101084345.

(2022-2024) “Urban B/ordering: An Ethnographic Study of the Ghetto Package in Denmark.” (UrBorder). Role: Marie-Skłodowska Curie Postdoctoral (PI); Funding: European Research Council. Call: HORIZON-MSCA-2021-PF-01.



Antropologia Urbana





Grup d'Estudis sobre Reciprocitat (GER)


Lundsteen, M. (2022c). The Mosque Conflict in Catalonia: Space, Culture, and Capitalism. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books. ISBN: 978-1-66690-895-4 URL:

Lundsteen, M. (2022b). La mezquita constestada. Islamofobia, racismo anti-musulmán y capitalismo. Barcelona: Edicions Bellaterra. ISBN: 978-84-19160-04-1 URL:

Lundsteen, M. (2022a). Convivencia. Migration and Urban Transformation in a Small Catalan Town. Challenging Migration Studies Series. New York and London: Rowman and Littlefield International. ISBN: 978-1-78661-452-0 URL:

Lundsteen M. & G. Navas (Eds.) (2021). “Espai i...”: Reflexions sobre el paper de l’espai en les societats contemporànies. Barcelona: Edicions Bellaterra. ISBN: 978-84-19160-00-3 URL:

Lundsteen, M. (2020). Islamofòbia? Una proposta educativa. Barcelona: Descontrol. ISBN: 978-84-18256-05-9 URL:

Lundsteen, M. (2a ed. 2017, 1a ed. 2015). Espai, capital i cultura a Premià de Mar - el conflicte de la mesquita. Barcelona: Pol·len Edicions. ISBN: 978-8-48646-993-1 URL:



Lundsteen, M. (ed.) (En publicació). “Special Issue: Urban Bordering in Europe.” In European Urban and Regional Studies. Open Access



Eylül Karaoglu, I. and M. Lundsteen. (In Review). “Intercultural Cities and Public Space in Barcelona according to the Target Groups”. In Journal of Urban Affairs.

Sorato, D. and M. Lundsteen. (Forthcoming).  “Using Word Embeddings for Immigrant and Refugee Stereotype Quantification in a Diachronic and Multilingual Setting”. In Journal of Computational Science.

Magaña-González, C.R. and Lundsteen, M. (2023d). Editorial. In Quaderns de l'Institut Català d'Antropologia, 39(1), pp. 1-2.

Lundsteen, M. (En publicació). “Convivencia: Urban Conflicts in a Small Town”. A Migration Studies. Special Issue: Urban Encounters editat per S. Wessendorf, A. Papallas and Lucy Hunt. Open Access

Lundsteen, M. (2023c). “Migration and Urban Space in a Small Town in Catalonia: The Contested Neighbourhood”. In Migration Studies. DOI: Special Issue: Urban Encounters edited by S. Wessendorf, A. Papallas and Lucy Hunt.

Lundsteen, M. (2023b) “Displacing the Other to Unite the Nation. The Parallel Society Legislation in Denmark”. In European Urban and Regional Studies, 30(3), pp. 261-281. DOI: Special Issue: Emerging Urban Bordering Practices edited by M. Lundsteen.

Lundsteen, M. (2022a). “Introduction”. A European Urban and Regional Studies. 30(3), pp. 214-220. DOI: Special Issue: Urban Bordering in Europe edited by M. Lundsteen.

Lundsteen, M. and M. Fernández González. (2021). “Zero-Tolerance in Catalonia. Engaging the Sociocultural Other in Public Space”. A Critical Criminology: An International Journal, 29(4) pp. 837–852. DOI: Open Access

Lundsteen, M. (2020c). “Ground Glass: The Future after Covid-19?”. A Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale, 28 (2), pp. 310-311. DOI: Open Access

Lundsteen, M. (2020b). “Conflicts in and around Space. Reflections on ‘Mosque Conflicts’ through the Case of Premià de Mar”. A Journal of Muslims in Europe, 9 (1), pp. 43-63. DOI: 

Lundsteen, M. (2020a). “An iron fist in a velvet glove: neoliberal government of the migrant poor and other in Salt, Catalonia”. A Dialectical Anthropology, 44 (1), pp. 1-17. DOI:

Lundsteen, M. (2019). “Challenging Narratives of ‘Native Flight’ in a Small Town. Reflections on Moral Economies and Space”. A GRITIM-UPF Working Paper Series, 40, pp. 1-27, Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Open Access

Sabaté, I., S. Bofill, M. Lundsteen, and I. Vergara. (2018). “Usos del temps lliure entre els infants i joves de l’Hospitalet de Llobregat”. A Quaderns d’Estudi, 32, pp. 21-42. Open-Access

Lundsteen, M. (2017). “Super-diversity and the Social Production of Space in a Small Catalan Town”. A IRiS Working Paper Series: Reimagining society in an age of superdiversity, 17, pp. 1-13, University of Birmingham. Open Access



Lundsteen, M. (En publicació) “Islamophobia”. A N. Ribas-Mateos, L. Oso and M. Morali (Eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Global Migration: New Mobilities and Artivism. Camberley, Surrey: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Lundsteen, M. (En publicació) “Everyday Bordering”. A N. Ribas-Mateos, L. Oso and M. Morali (Eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Global Migration: New Mobilities and Artivism. Camberley, Surrey: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Lundsteen, M. (2021b). “Espai i frontera”. A M. Lundsteen and G. Navas (Eds.), “Espai i...”: Reflexions sobre el paper de l’espai en les societats contemporanis. Barcelona: Edicions Bellaterra.

Lundsteen, M. (2021a). “Local practices of bordering in a small Catalan town: Between urban and national belonging”. A N. Ribas-Mateos and T. Dunn (Eds.), Handbook on Human Security, Borders and Migration, pp. 269-284. Camberley, Surrey: Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-83910-889-1 DOI:

Lundsteen, M. and J. González. (2019). “Subeix 2.3. La incorporació de noves expressions de cultura popular”. A R. Canela, E. Estany, J. Puig i Martín, J. Quintana, N. Sanz, and R. Serinyà (Eds.), Forum d’Educació i Cultura Popular, pp. 63-69, Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya i Ajuntament de Barcelona. DL: B 25019-2018. Open Access URL:

Lundsteen, M. and I. Sabaté. (2018b). “The social articulation of the crisis and political mobilisation in Spain. Some reflections on the shortcomings of the new social movements”. A Olena Fedyuk and Paul Stewart (Eds), Inclusion and Exclusion in Europe. Migration, Work and Employment Perspectives, pp. 43–59, Colchester: ECPR Press. ISBN: 9781786605399

Lundsteen, M. (2018a). “'El moro' – Discovering the hidden coloniality of the contemporary Spanish/Catalan society and its colonial subjects”. A L. Jensen, J. S. Krabbe, C. Groess-Green and Z. L. Pecic (Eds.), Postcolonial Europe: Comparative Reflections after the Empires, pp. 197–219, New York: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN-13: 978-1-78660-304-3

Lundsteen, M., U. Martínez Veiga and J. Palomera. (2014). “Reproducción social y conflictos en las periferias urbanas del Estado Español”. A Actas del XIII Congreso de Antropología de la FAAEE, pp. 111-117, Tarragona: Universitat Rovira i Virgili. ISBN: 978-84-697-0505-6 Open Access URL:

Lundsteen, M. (2013). “La convivencia difícil: Conflictos ‘culturales’ y recursos públicos en Salt, Cataluña”. A S Narotzky. (Ed.), Economías cotidianas, economías sociales, economías sostenibles, pp. 181-204, Barcelona: Icaria. ISBN: 9788498884975