Jordi Mas Grau
Professor associat i investigador post-doctoral
934 037 780
Antropologia de l’Art (Grau en Belles Arts)
Gènere, sexualitat i cos (Màster d'Antropologia i Etnografia).
Línies de recerca
Diversitat sexual i de gènere.
Estudis LGTB+.
Discriminacions múltiples
Processos de victimització
Grups de recerca
Grup de Recerca en Gènere, Identitat i Diversitat (GENI).
European Social Research Unit (ESRU).
Projectes finançats els últims anys
Sexilio y transformaciones de las sexualidades disidentes en la ciudad de Barcelona durante la dictadura franquista. Dirección General de Memoria Democrática. Ministerio de la Presidencia, Relaciones con las Cortes y Memoria Democrática. Gobierno de España. 2022-2023.
COUNTER-HATE. Improving the assistance of victims of hate crimes through a victim-centered and intersectional approach. Directorate-General Justice and Consumers. European Commission. 2022-2024.
LetsGoByTalking. Protecting and defending the rights of victims of anti-LGBT hate crimes: Innovative paths through restorative. European Commission. Directive General for Justice, Freedom and Security. Justice Programme. 2020-2022. Investigador.
COME-ON. Analysing and combating online hate speech and gender-based discrimination from an intersectional perspective. Programa estatal de i+d+i. Ministerio de ciència e innovación i Ministerio de Universidades. Gobierno de España. 2020-2023. Investigador.
Development of a Generic Support Services Model to enhance the Rights of Victims of Crime [SUPPORTVOC]. European Commission. Directive General for Justice, Freedom and Security. Justice Programme 2017-2020. Investigador.
Respect and Equality: Acting and Communicating Together [REACT] European Commission, Directorate General for Justice, Freedom and Security. Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme: REC. 2017-2020. Investigador.
Preventing and Combating Homo- and Transphobia in Small and Medium Cities across Europe [DIVERCITY] European Commission, Directorate General for Justice. Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme: REC. 2015-2018. Investigador.
Preventing, Redressing and Inhibiting Hate Speech on the New Media [PRISM]. European Commission, DG. Justice, Freedom and Security. 2014-2016. Investigador.
Mas Grau, Jordi (a premsa). "When reparation goes beyond punishment. Victims of LGBTQphobic violence in the face of retributive and restorative justice in Spain.". Droit et cultures.
Mas Grau, Jordi; Montserrat, Carme; Langarita, Jose Antonio; Viggiani, Giacomo (2024). "Exploring alternatives to the hate crimes model. Perceptions of civil society organizations regarding the application of restorative justice for bias-motivated crimes". Contemporary Justice Review.
Langarita, Jose Antonio; Albertin, Pilar; Mas Grau, Jordi (2023). "Sexual and gender diversity in children and young people. Potentialities, limits and challenges in training for professionals via a MOOC course". Sex Education.
Mas Grau, Jordi; Langarita, Jose Antonio; Albertín, Pilar (2022). "When the gay village is somewhere else. Reflections on LGBT public policies in Catalan rural areas.". En Mapping LGBTQ Spaces and Places. A Changing World. Ney York: Springer: 371-382.
Albertin, Pilar; Langarita, Jose Antonio; Mas Grau, Jordi (2021). "Delitos de odio anti-LGTBI+. Oportunidades, límites y desafíos en el sistema jurídico penal.". Revista Española de Investigación Criminológica, 20(2): 1.
MAS GRAU, J.(2021). "From self-management to depathologisation. The evolution of transgender health care and rights in Spain between 1970-2020”. Culture, Health and Sexuality.
LANGARITA, J ; MAS GRAU, J; ALBERTIN, P (2021). “Local government policies on sexual and gender diversity in Spain. Experiences from Alt Empordà”. Local Government Studies.
JUBANY, O; LANGARITA, J; MAS GRAU, J (2021). “’ There is LGBTQ life beyond the big city" Discourses, representations and experiences in two medium-sized Spanish cities”. Journal of Homosexuality.
MAS GRAU, J. (2020). “Entre l'estigma i la legitimitat. Una aproximació crítica al fenomen transgènere”. Revista de Catalunya, 6: 126-135.
MAS GRAU, J; RUÉ, A.; ROIHA, M. (2020). “Hegemonías sexo-genéricas en los sistemas de asilo y protección social. El caso de las personas refugiadas LGTB”. A Olga Jubany i Oscar Guasch (eds.). Intersecciones encarnadas. [Con]textos críticos en género, identidad y diversidad. Barcelona: Bellaterra, pp. 85-102.
MAS GRAU, J. (2016). “¿Hombres sin pene? La construcción de la masculinidad en personas trans”. En Mérida-Jiménez, Rafael (ed.) Masculinidades disidentes. Barcelona: Icaria.
MAS GRAU, J.; GUASCH, O. (2015). “Procesos asistenciales y transexualidad: el caso español”. En Mérida-Jiménez, Rafael (ed.) Memorias, identidades y experiencias trans. (In)visibilidades entre Argentina y España. Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblos.
GUASCH, O.; MAS GRAU, J. (2015). “Proyectos corporales, género e identidad en España: del travestí al transexual (1970-1995)”. En Rafael Mérida-Jiménez (ed.) Las Masculinidades en la Transición. Madrid: Egales.
GUASCH, O.; MAS GRAU, J. (2014). “Bodily, Gender, and Identity Projects in Spain: From the Transvestite to the Transsexual”. In Rafael Mérida-Jiménez (ed.) Hispanic (LGT) Masculinities in Transition. New York: Peter Lang.