
Conferència "Sources of transition metals in dust: developing a metal stable isotope multi-tracer (SEMINARIS DE LA FACULTAT DE GEOLOGIA I L'INSTITUT DE CIÈNCIES DE LA TERRA 'JAUME ALMERA') "

Notícia | 27-10-2010

A càrrec de Thomas D. BULLEN (Branch of Regional Research, Water Resources Division US Geological Survey, EUA)
Organitzat conjuntament CSIC-UB

Data: 27/10/2010
Hora: 12:00
Lloc: Sala d'actes de l'Institut Jaume Almera

Dust can contain considerable amounts of metals, many of which may be toxic and can be ingested by humans through inhalation. Metal stable isotopes are increasingly being used to determine the sources of these metals, for both air quality control and forensic purposes. The isotopes are pointing to both expected and unanticipated sources of the metals. This presentation focuses on using Cr, Zn, Cd and Hg stable isotopes to determine the sources of those metals in dust collected in and around Paris.
