Detall MHGM

PhD Thesis Defence by Ashkan Hassanzadeh, on 25 May at 10:00am CET

Novetat MHGM | 22-05-2023

The PhD student Ashkan Hassanzadeh, from the Groundwater and Hydrogeochemistry group (IDAEA-CSIC), will defend his thesis

Novel algorithms for geological and hydrogeological assessments


Directors: Enric Vázquez Suñé and Mercè Corbella Cordomí


Thesis Committee: Luis Sebastián Vives, María del Mar García Alcaraz and Aline Concha Dimas



On 25 May, at 10:00 am (CET) in the Sala d’Actes IDAEA-CSIC (c/ Jordi Girona, 18-26 Barcelona).

 If you want to attend online, click on this link




Groundwater numerical modeling is essential for sustainable water management as it helps understand the behavior of groundwater resources and their interaction with surface water. These models can predict the impacts of water manipulation on the environment, aid in developing sustainable management scenarios, and help in understanding the impacts of climate change on groundwater resources. Generating numerical groundwater models require various input data and boundary conditions, including geological models, surface water input, and groundwater recharge. By combining different modeling approaches, a comprehensive understanding of groundwater resources can be developed to support sustainable groundwater management, decision-making, and water resource planning. This thesis is based on open-source tools to aid in the different stages of groundwater studies: geological 3D modeling, isotopic modeling, and soil water balance spatial-temporal modeling.

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