Detall MHGM

Informació proper seminari UB - Geo3BCN-CSIC 22/11/2023

Novetat MHGM | 15-11-2023

Us informem del proper seminari organitzat conjuntament entre Geociències Barcelona-CSIC (GEO3BCN-CSIC) i la Facultat de Ciències de la Terra (UB) realitzat per:

Francesco Nosenzo, Department of Geological Sciences, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden

I que es durà a terme el proper dimecres dia 22/11/2023 A les 12:00h CET.In situ al Geo3BCN-CSIC (Barcelona) i online via Youtube en el següent enllaç:Online

Títol: Recycled orogens: the rock record of subduction and polymetamorphism in the Dora-Maira Massif (Western Alps) 

At convergent plate margins part of the continental crust can be buried at great depth (i.e. subducted), exhumed back to the surface and accreted to a newly-formed orogen. During this process a pre-existing crust, comprising, for example, remnants of an older orogen, is recycled. Pervasive metamorphic transformations at high-pressure (HP) or even ultra-high-pressure (UHP) conditions overprint the pre-subduction rock record. However, an attentive investigation can reveal mineralogical, structural and isotopic relicts of the older geologic history, despite pervasive HP re-equilibration. In this seminar we will use petrological and geochronological evidence to reconstruct the polymetamorphic history of the renowned (U)HP Dora-Maira Massif (Western Alps). This allows us to investigate how pre-subduction characters (such as H 2 O content) affect the response of rocks to HP re-equilibration during subduction

