Máster en Geología y Geofísica de Reservorios
Información del máster
TFM 2017-18
Conjunto de trabajos realizados
- Experimental signal-noise ratio enhancing of magnetotelluric time series data with machine learning. Estudiante: José Campos; Tutor: Alex Marcuello (UB)
- Time residual analysis of the Catalan seismic network broadband stations in relation to local geology. Estudiante: Valeria Lorenzoni; Tutores: Pilar Queralt (UB), Josep Batlló, Tànit Frontera
- Multiscale characterization of fracture zones and the role of fluids: geophysical and petrological study of the Vallès fault in Samalús. Estudiante: Gemma Mitjanas; Tutores: Gemma Alias (UB), Juanjo Ledo (UB), Ignasi Herms
- UltraHighResolution seismic imaging in the Gulf of Cadiz for natural hazard assessment. Estudiante: Ennio Piazza; Tutores: Rafael Bartolomé (ICM-CSIC), Beatriz Benjumea
- Morphometries of carbonate marine depositional systems along the Mesozoic to Cenozoic Eras: Implications for carbonate reservoirs. Estudiante: Jan Michel Rodríguez; Tutor: Telm Bover (UB)
- Seismic imaging of the transition zone of the North Iberian margin to the western Galicia Margin. Estudiante: Rubén Villaseñor; Tutor: Ramon Carbonell (ICTJA-CSIC)
- Structural characterization of inverted salt-detached ramp-synclines and associated salt structures: Results from 3D seismic interpretation obtained from analog modeling. Estudiante: Katlen Patricia Barrientos; Tutores: Maria Roma (UB), Oriol Ferrer (UB)
- Extension and inversion of domino-style basement faults with pre-extensional salt. Estudiante: Nicolás Bufaliza; Tutor: Oriol Ferrer
- Structural controls on the evolution of the Serranía Aguaragüe Centro (Subandean zone, Bolivia): Evidences from surface, sub-surface data and kinematic modelling. Estudiante: Sergio Ismael Burga; Tutores: Oskar Vidal-Royo (Terractiva), Oriol Ferrer (UB)
- Cenozoic basin development in the Upper Guajira and relationships with the South Caribbean deformed belt (northern Colombia). Estudiante: Paulo César Correa; Tutor: Antonio Teixell (UAB)
- Investigation into the relationship between geological attributes and petrophysical parameters to define carbonate reservoirs quality at core scale for global trends and a special focus on Middle East in the Cretaceous. Estudiante: Alexandra Salome Loaiza; Tutor: Telm Bover (UB)
- Understanding the Mesozoic extensional structure and its influence on the subsequent inversion of the Organyà Basin (Central Pyrenees). Estudiante: Sara Lozano; Tutores: Maria Roma (UB), Oriol Ferrer (UB)
- The Montagut Fault System: Geometry and fluid flow analyses. Estudiante: Fernando Martínez Casas; Tutora: Anna Travé (UB)
- Determining the onset of folding by analyzing paleoslope direction from gravitational structures (the Sant Corneli anticline, Pyrenees). Estudiante: Ander Martínez Doñate; Tutor: Jaume Vergés (ICTJA-CSIC)
- Hydrocarbon prospectivity analysis in the Rockall Basin (Northern UK) based on 2D seismic interpretation and petroleum system modeling. Estudiante: Karol Riofrío; Tutores: Patricia Cabello (UB), Miquel Marin (Schlumberger), Oliver Schenk (Schlumberger)
- Dynamic reservoir simulation of platform carbonates with massive diagenetic alterations. Estudiante: Andrés Ríos; Tutores: Enrique Gómez-Ribas (UB), Albert Griera (UAB), Juan Diego Martín (UB)
- Source rock uncertainty analysis in the Gippsland Basin (SE Australia) based on 2D seismic interpretation and petroleum system modeling. Estudiante: Gerardo Sánchez; Tutores: Teodoro Cassola, Cassandra Warren, Oriol Ferrer (UB)
- 3D numerical reconstruction of an Oligocene carbonate ramp. Implications for HC reservoirs from the Caribbean and SE Asia. Estudiante: Jonatan Yuquilema; Tutores: Oscar Gratacós (UB), Telm Bover (UB)
Propuestas de trabajo y tutores disponibles
- 3D numerical reconstruction of an Oligocene carbonate ramp. Implications for HC reservoirs from the Caribbean and SE Asia. Tutores: Oscar Gratacós (UB), Telm Bover (UB)
- Controls on carbonate platform extension and architecture under different scales of transgressive-regressive cyclicity. Insights from numerical modelling Asia. Tutores: Oscar Gratacós (UB), Miguel López-Blanco (UB)
- Characterization of an outcrop analog for mixed carbonate-siliciclastic shallow platform reservoirs. Tutores: Telm Bover (UB), Ramon Salas (UB)
- Determining the onset of folding by analyzing paleoslope direction from gravity normal faults and slumps (the Sant Corneli anticline, Pyrenees). Tutor: Jaume Vergés (ICTJA-CSIC)
- Zagros folding style variations applying 2D and 3D numerical modeling with different mechanical stratigraphy. Tutores: Jaume Vergés (ICTJA-CSIC), Jonas Ruh (ICTJA-CSIC)
- Testing two contrasting crustal versus mantle supported western Pyrenees using LITMOD numerical modelling. Tutores: Ivone Jiménez-Munt (ICTJA-CSIC), Jaume Vergés (ICTJA-CSIC)
- Multiscale characterization of fracture zones and the role of fluids: geophysical and petrological study of the Vallès fault in Samalús. Tutores: Gemma Alias (UB), Juanjo Ledo (UB)
- Cenozoic basin development and relationships with the South Caribbean deformed belt (northern Colombia). Tutor: Antoni Teixell (UAB)
- Diagenesis effect on carbonate reservoirs. Tutora: Anna Travé (UB)
- Development of detachment folds on successions including two salt layers: impact of the syn-orogenic sedimentation rate and thickness of the interlayered non-evaporitic sequences in their geometry and kinematics. Tutor: Eduard Roca (UB)
- Extension and inversion of domino-style basement faults with pre-extensional salt. Tutor: Oriol Ferrer (UB)
- Role of inherited salt structures during contractional reactivation: Three-dimensional sandbox models and application to the Zagros fold and thrust belt. Tutor: Oriol Ferrer (UB), Pablo Santolaria (UB)
- Structural controls on the evolution of the Serranía Aguaragüe (Subandean region, Bolivia): Evidences from surface, sub-surface data and kinematic modelling. Tutores: Oskar Vidal-Royo (Terractiva), Oriol Ferrer (UB)
- Late inversion of the Vienna pull apart basin from 3D depth migrated seismic data. Tutores: Pablo Granado (UB), Oriol Ferrer (UB)
- Understanding the Mesozoic extensional structure and its influence on the subsequent inversion of the Organyà Basin (Central Pyrenees). Tutores: Maria Roma (UB), Oriol Ferrer (UB)
- Screening and ranking of suitable CO2 storage sites in Spain. Tutores: Juan Alcalde (ICTJA-CSIC), Ramon Carbonell (ICTJA-CSIC)
- Experiment design to geoelectrical characterization of analog modeling. Tutores: Alex Marcuello (UB), Oriol Ferrer (UB)
- Processing of EM time-series for reservoir characterization. Tutor: Alex Marcuello (UB)
- 3D Geological and Geophysical modelling for Geothermal applications: the case study of the Reus-Valls basin of Catalan Costal Ranges. Tutores: Albert Griera (UAB), Juanjo Ledo (UB), Ignasi Herms
- Fluid/Heat flow modelling using Eclipse-Petrel. Application to the Benicassim basin. Tutores: Albert Griera (UAB), Enrique Gómez-Ribas (UB), Juan Diego Martín (UB)
- Evaluation of rock properties in carbonate reservoris by means of core and plug analysis. Tutor: Telm Bover (UB)
- Sedimentary architecture of the Ametlla delta (Ager basin, Pyrenees). Tutores: Eduard Remacha (UAB), Oriol Oms (UAB)
- Dynamic reservoir simulation of platform carbonates with massive diagenetic alterations. Tutores: Enrique Gómez-Ribas (UB), Albert Griera (UAB), Juan Diego Martín (UB)
- Hydrocarbon prospectivity analysis in the Rockall Basin (Northern UK) based on 2D seimic interpretation and petroleum system modeling. Tutores: Patricia Cabello (UB), Miquel Marin (Schlumberger), Oliver Schenk (Schlumberger)
- Magnetolluric modeling from oil and gas revervoir structures. Comparison with seismic synthetic responses. Tutora: Anna Martí (UB)
- Source rock uncertainty analysis in the Gippsland Basin (SE Australia) based on 2D seismic interpretation and petroleum system modeling. Tutores: Teodoro Cassola, Cassandra Warren, Oriol Ferrer (UB)
- Time residual analysis of the Catalan seismic network broadband stations in relation to local geology. Tutores: Pilar Queralt (UB), Josep Batlló, Tànit Frontera
- Time residual analysis of the Catalan seismic network broadband stations in relation to local geology. Tutores: Rafael Bartolomé (ICM-CSIC), Beatriz Benjumea (ICGC)
En català/in English
Agradecimientos a empresas colaboradoras
- Repsol, por financiar dos becas cada curso y por participar en la asignatura Análisis de Diagrafías de Sondeos y Petrofísica
- Schlumberger, por la donación de licencias de software (Petrel E&P software platform, PetroMod petroleum systems modeling software, ECLIPSE industry-reference reservoir simulator, Techlog wellbore software platform) y por participar en la asignatura de Análisis de Cuencas con clases de modelización de sistemas petroleros
- PETEX LTd, per la donación de licencias de MOVE Suite
- Emerson E&P Software Solutions, por la donación de licencias académicas temporales de GOCAD y Geolog
- IHS Markit, por la donación de licencias de The Kingdom Suite
- DECO Geophysical software company, por la donación de licencias de RadExPro
- CGG, por la donación de licencias de Geotools