Visiting students

Each year the University of Barcelona welcomes a large number of students from other Spanish universities and from abroad who wish to pursue part of their studies in Barcelona.

Visiting students can enrol at the UB for a maximum of two semesters in any one academic year following acceptance to a national exchange program (SICUE or DRAC), an international exchange program (LLP Erasmus, bilateral agreements or others) or by making an individual application.

Students from other Spanish universities or from abroad are strongly encouraged to consult the general information at Studying temporarily at the UB. In addition, they should contact the UB Office of external relations at the Faculty of Chemistry.


Additional useful information for visiting students

How to get there, public transport and accommodation.

Assistance for visiting students who do not speak Catalan.

"MónUB": the student's internet portal, student insurance, sports, cultural activities, solidarity and international aid.
