Information for the student – Organic Chemistry
Academic calendar
Academic year 2022-2023
Classes begin: September 19
Classes end: December 23
Public holidays: September 26, October 12, November 1, December 6 and 8 (furthermore there are no classes on October 31 and December 5,7 and 9)
The sessions in the instrumentation room of the Organic Section that are part of the Spectroscopic Techniques and Laboratory in Organic Chemistry course will take place on February 2 and 3 in a schedule that will be determined according to the number of students enrolled.
On January 30, students will be incorporated into research groups (8 hours / day) to carry out the experimental work corresponding, first to the Introduction to Research in Organic Chemistry and then to the Master's Thesis (TFM).
Students must submit a preliminary TFM report before 12 pm, February 28. This consists in writing a report (maximum length two pages) that should include the following: an outline of the work that is to be carried out, the laboratory and spectroscopic techniques that are to be used, and detailed experimental procedures for those reactions that have already been carried out by the student, including characterization data of the products obtained (in English and in the standard format of an ACS or RSC article). This report should be delivered to the Professora in charge of Introduction to Research in Organic Chemistry. It should also be sent to the Coordinator of the Master’s degree in electronic format.
The TFM report should be submitted in triplicate to the Secretary of the Organic Section no later than 12 pm, June 30. Oral presentations will take place between July 10 and 14, the schedule will be published in due course according to the number of students enrolled. The course plan of the subject indicates the rules for the preparation of the written report.