University of Barcelona

Information for the student – Organic Chemistry

Support and guidance


During the application period until the time of enrollment the Coordinator of the Master will act as tutor of the students and will  advise them,  if necessary, about the features of the Master, courses to be taken and any other academic aspects.


Once students have formalized enrollment and in the early days of the course each student will be assigned a supervisor of Master's Thesis which, in turn, will act as the student's academic tutor. The appointment will be based on the educational needs of the Department and the capacity of teachers to assume  the supervision of a TFM  as fundamental criteria and, in any case, taking into account the preferences expressed by the students, if any. In the case that the supervisor of the TFM was not a professor of QO Department, the Coordinator will act as tutor of the student.

This whole process will be supervised by the Coordinating Committee of the Master, at the end of each course, will evaluate its correct functioning and, if necessary, will introduce improvements it considers suitable.
