University of Barcelona

Information for the student – Applied Materials Chemistry

Final project

Choice the Master's Thesis

The Master’s Thesis will be carried our in one ot the research groups related to the master.  A list of topics proposed by these groups can be found.

If any student wants to complete their TFM in another center, he/she have to submit a Master’s Thesis Project to be approved by Master's Comission.

Contact the TFM’s tutor and communicate the chosen project to the Master's coordinator ( before the last week of November.

Report of the Master's Thesis

As indicated in the Teaching Guide, the work performed will be presented in the format of a paper, with an extension not exceeding 15 pages, following the linguistic criteria of the Universitat de Barcelona.  A template with more details about the report will be provided.

For the assessment of the TFM, it will be necessary to have the following material on the fixed date of the academic calendar:

  • A pdf file of the report named Surname-Name.pdf will be submitted through Campus Virtual, as well as other required documents for this subject.
  • 3 copies in paper of the report, which will be delivered to the subject coordinator.

Previous Master's Thesis
