University of Barcelona

Information for the student – Environmental Engineering

Organization and teaching methodology

The master’s degree in Environmental Engineering is a face-to-face course that is divided into theoretical subjects with a practical component and a final project (TFM) that has a strong practical focus. The theory is taught in face-to-face lectures. Practical sessions and/or theoretical sessions with a practical component are held in a computer room of the Faculty of Chemistry where students work on problem solving and/or on the presentation of topics in groups or individually using various computer tools. Students have access to the UB virtual campus where lecturers will post all the teaching material required to gain the knowledge in each subject.

The aim of the TFM is to apply all the acquired knowledge to a practical project. At the end of the project, students present the results in the form of a report and an oral presentation. The entire learning process is undertaken with the support of a tutor and student autonomy is encouraged as much as possible.

More information about the teaching staff and the teaching methodology can be found in each subject’s course plan.