University of Barcelona

Information for the student – Chemical Engineering

Final project

Information about the Compulsory final project

The Final Project (FP) is an autonomous and individual work wherein the student must use the integrated training content of the Master, and show that he has acquired the skills associated to the Chemical Engineering Master. The FP is defined as an original exercise in the field of Chemical Engineering on a problem of chemical industry with interest at short, medium or long term. By its nature, the FP can be professionalizing (processes design, ambient impact evaluation, etc) or of initiation to applied research. The FP can be performed in university departments, laboratories and research centers, companies and other institutions. The FP ends with the presentation and oral defense of the work performed.

The Final Project has to be performed under the supervision of a tutor who must be professor doctor of a Department with teaching assigned to the Master. The function of the tutor is to guide the student work while it is held. In addition, the tutor must submit a standard report evaluating the student work, and explicitly authorizing that the student can proceed to the defense of the FP.

When the FP is developed partially or completely in a Company or institution other than the Faculty of Chemistry, besides professor tutor, the student must have a tutor of the company or institution that will provide collaboration in the development of his work. In this case a University-Company agreement is necessary between the Faculty of Chemistry and the Company (or institution)

A Commission of the professors other than the tutor, and designated by the Coordination Committee of the Master, will evaluate the Final Project. The Commission will assess through the written memory and the oral presentation and defense if the student has acquired the skills of the Chemical Engineering Master. The Commission will consider the report by the tutor (or tutors).

For more detailed information consult the syllabus for the Final Project.

Academic year 2021-2022
