University of Barcelona

Information for the student – Chemical Engineering

Support and guidance

Support and guidance

The objective of the Plan of Tutorial Action (PTA) in the Master of Chemical Engineering, as that provided by the University of Barcelona statures, is to encourage and promote the full personal, academic and personal development of students as an integral part of their training as professionals and/or researchers. In particular, the goals of PTA are:

  • Facilitate the process of transition and adaptation of new students to the master
  • Make a personalized follow to encourage improvements in academic performance
  • Provide the necessary information about the Master, the Faculty, and services available to the University of Barcelona
  • Report on the possibility of further studies (PhD) and professional opportunities


To achieve its objectives the PTA defines the following figures:

  • Coordinator of PTA, which is the coordinator of the Master
  • Academic tutor, professor with guiding function throughout the Master
  • Tutor university-company agreement, professor supervising a student stay in a company
  • Company tutor, supervisor appointed by the company in stays on university-business  agreement


During the registration period until the time of enrollment, the coordinator of the Master acts as the guardian of all the students and advises them, if necessary, about the features of the Master, subjects to register, and any other academics.

The Coordination Committee of the master assigns an academic tutor after enrolment. The first day (the day of presentation of the master’s new students) the student communicates the name of your academic tutor.

