Secretary of students and teaching

The Secretariat of Students and Teaching has the following functions:

  • Give administrative support to the governing bodies of the center and teachings.
  • Inform and assist students.
  • Support the development and modification of the 1st and 2nd cycle curricula, and in the proposals and management of doctorates and postgraduate studies.
  • Carry out the processes of academic management: programming and academic offer, recruitment and reception of students, access to 2nd and 3rd cycle, enrollment, validation and recognition of credits, scholarships, titles and extraordinary prizes.
  • Take charge of the management of practicums and theses.
  • Manage the records of the attached teaching.
  • Give administrative support to the center's laboratory practices.
  • Take charge of the logistics of the classrooms.
  • Propose agreements and manage mobility programs.
  • To favor the labor insertion (employment exchange), to manage the agreements in practices and those of educational cooperation.
  • Collaborate with the Antiguos UB project.
  • Maintain the academic content of the center's website.


Secretary of Students and Teaching of the Faculty of Chemistry

Lobby at Av. Diagonal, 645 (provisional location due to works)



Due to the provisional transfer of the SED for works, we do not have telephone lines. To contact us you can use email.

