Master's enrolment

Online enrolment is the name we have given the enrolment procedure done online. You can find the website here.

The procedure consist of 5 stages:

    1. Complete pre-enrolment 
    2. Beginnning of enrolment process (online enrolment website)
    3. Authorisation of the coordinator
    4. Finalisation of the enrolment process (online enrolment website)
    5. Payment

Attention: to finalise correctly your enrolment you must enter twice on the online enrolment website (beginning and finalisation).

IMPORTANT: Enrolment for Master's degrees is done once a year. Consecuantly, students who enrol must register all the credits necessary for the academic year they are enrolling.


1st stage: Complete pre-enrolment

  • Having completed all the requirements necessary for the master's degree pre-enrolment, as are the payment of the pre-enrolement fee, having a favourable resolution of asmission from the coordinator of the master and having provided all the documentation needed for the access.
  • Student who enrol for the first time in the present academic year, must provide a passport-sized photograph at any moment during the enrolement procedure.

1. Access to the online enrolement website
2. Click the section called "online enrolement"
3. Choose from a given list the master you want to enrol.
4. Identification

  • Write identifying code and password
  • They are the same you use to access your student email and your  personal record
  • If you don't remember your identifying code, you can find your it on last year's enrolment document
  • If it is your first enrolment in the University of Barcelona, you can identify yourself with the document you have introduced in the pre-enrolment application (DNI, NIE or passport) and you birth date.

5. Personal data

  • Introduce or modify you data, for example, if you have changed you residence, telephone number or email.

6. Academic data (enrolment of subjects)

  • Select subjects you want to enrol 

7. Confirmation of the beginning stage of the online enrolment

  • Revise the data in the summary before confirmation and send it to the tutor 



You will receive an email from the coordinator accepting your selection of subject, or modifying it.

1. Access to the online enrolement webpage
2. Click the section called "online enrolement"
3. Choose from a given list the master you want to enrol.
4. Identification

  • Write identifying code and password
  • They are the same you use to access your student email and your  personal record
  • If you don't remember your identifying code, you can find your it on last year's enrolment document
  • If it is your first enrolment in the University of Barcelona, you can identify yourself with the document you have introduced in the pre-enrolment application (DNI, NIE or passport) and you birth date.

5. Economic data
You may find all the economic information about your enrolment and university services you can aplly in here
Read carefully all the information and select on the application the university services in which you are interested.
6.Confirmation of the beginning stage of the online enrolment
Revise the data in the summary before confirmation.
7. Print the enrolment document.


1. If you have the right to apply to any kind of economic reduction, you should come personally to the Posgraduate Secretary to provide the documents that certify it, so we can modify your enrolment.
2. If you don't have to change anything in your enrolment, you must complete the payment before the date that is indicated in your enrolment document.