Admission and access

Deadline and on line application

If you are interested in enrolling in a PhD program of the Faculty of Chemistry of the UB, you can submit your application online using the link provided below. You will be required to attach the corresponding supporting documentation requested, according to the origin of your degree. 

The doctorate programs coordinated by the Faculty of Chemistry to which admission and acces for the 2024/25 course may be requested are:


From 29th April to 19th July, 2024

  • Analytical Chemistry and the Environment
  • Electrochemistry. Science and Technology
  • Engineering and Applied Sciences
  • Organic Chemistry
  • Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling



Admission to a doctoral program will be the responsibility of the corresponding Academic Committee. Such Committee will assess if the candidate meets the requirements to be admitted to the program. 

The Academic Committee will only take into consideration applications that have been completed, thus with the status: "Status Admission: Registered". It is the responsibility of the applicant to verify that the application is correctly completed. 

It will be necessary to have a pre-acceptance letter from the thesis supervisor.

IMPORTANT: If the admission application is resolved favorably, the process will continue. The applicant will proceed to the “Access” procedure using a link that will be sent by mail. 

Access with a Spanish titles

The documentation that you will have to attach will depend on your access route.

For example, if you access via an official Master's degree, the required documentation would be the following: 

  • Spanish National Identity Document, Passport or EU Identity Document.
  • Bachelor's degree certificate or the Bachelor's degree payment receipt (the original and a copy or a certified copy). 
  • Master's degree certificate or the Master's degree payment receipt (the original and a copy or a certified copy). 
  • Official academic certificate of the Bachelor's degree, including courses and marks, for students who have not previously studied the Bachelor's degree at University of Barcelona.
  • Official academic certificate of the Master's degree, including courses and marks, for students who have not previously studied a Bachelor's and/or a Master's degree in the University of Barcelona.  


If you access with a foreign degree (equivalent to 240 ECTS) and a Spanish universitiy Master's degree of at least 60 ECTS at MECES 3 level you must provide:

  • Spanish National Identity Document, Passport or EU Identity Document.
  • Foreign degree title, legalized, if it does not belong to the European Union. In addition, its official sworm translation into Spanish if it is not issued in catalan, spanish or english directly by your University.
  • Academic certificate of the foreign degree, legalized, if it does not belong to the European Union. In addition, its official sworm translation into spanish if it is not issued in catalan, spanish or english directly by your University.
  • Spanish university master's degree and its academic certificate.

Students with academic certificates signed electronically, will only have to upload the files to the application.

Students with academic certificates WITHOUT electronic signatures will have to upload the files to the online application platform and, in addition, the original documentation either by certified postal mail or deliver them in person (Monday to Friday from 10 am to 1 pm), at the address indicated below.

If you have been accepted, you must take the commitment document signed by all the people involved to the Postgraduate Secretariat before registering.

Access with foreign studies

Degree European Higher Education Area (EHEA), with Level 7 European Qualifications Framework (EQF) :


Be in possession of a degree obtained in accordance with foreign educational systems belonging to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), without the need for homologation, that accredits a Level 7 of the European Qualifications Framework provided that this degree entitles one to access higher education studies doctorate in the country of issue.


The documentation that must be attached to the application is the following:


  • Spanish National Identity Document, Passport or EU Identity Document.
  • Bachelor's or master's degree with level 7 EQF.
  • Official academic certificate of qualifications for your degree.
  • Certificate proving that this degree gives access to doctoral studies in the country of issue.
  • Accreditation document of EQF level 7 issued by the corresponding body of the country of issue of the degree
  • Official sworn translations into Spanish of the title and certificates. If they are issued directly in English by the University, translations into Spanish will not be necessary.


The request of study of equivalence of foreign studies for the access to doctorate programs implies the payment of the corresponding fee, as established by the Catalan government for each academic year. For this year are 218,15 euros. 

IMPORTANT: In order for the access resolution to be definitive, in addition to uploading all the indicated documentation to the online platform, you will have to send the original documentacion by post or messenger to the address indicated below. You may send original documentation legalized i/o translated through diplomatic channels, if applicable. If the title or certificate is issued in English, translation will not be necessary.

The incidences in the documentation delay the resolution of the requests and, therefore, the registration.


Degree foreign educational systems outside the European Higher Education Area :

Be in possession of a degree obtained in accordance with foreign educational systems outside the EHEA, without the need for homologation, and that accredits a level of training equivalent to that of the official Spanish University Master's degree.

The documentation that must be attached to the application is the following:


  • Spanish National Identity Document, Passport or EU Identity Document.
  • Official master's degree (legalizated by diplomatic channels).
  • Official academic certificate of qualifications for your degree (legalizated by diplomatic channels)
  • Certificate proving that this degree gives access to doctoral studies in the country of issue (legalizated by diplomatic channels).
  • Official sworn translations into Spanish of the title and certificates. If they are issued directly in English by the University, translations into Spanish will not be necessary.


You may find here the detailed information about the requirements on foreign academic documentations. Please, check the link in order to avoid any incidents with the documents that may delay the resolution of your request. 

The request of study of equivalence of foreign studies for the access to doctorate programs implies the payment of the corresponding fee, as established by the Catalan government for each academic year. For this year are 218,15 euros. 

IMPORTANT: In order for the access resolution to be definitive, in addition to uploading all the indicated documentation to the online platform, you will have to send the original documentacion by post or messenger to the address indicated below. You may send original documentation legalized i/o translated through diplomatic channels, if applicable. If the title or certificate is issued in English, translation will not be necessary.

The incidences in the documentation delay the resolution of the requests and, therefore, the registration. We advise you to check the documentation you have to present and the requirements that academic documents issued abroad must meet.


If you have been accepted, you must take the commitment document signed by all the people involved to the Postgraduate Secretariat before registering.


Official translations - (list of official translators)

Certified copies

Contact address

The Postgraduate Secretary address is:

    Secretaría de posgrado
    Facultad de Química
    Universidad de Barcelona
    C/ Martí i Franquès, 1-11
    E-08028 - Barcelona


Phone: +34 934 021 201

E-mail address:

Contact persons: