University of Barcelona

Information for the student – Advanced Microbiology



The Section of Microbiology, Virology and Biotechnology (Department of Genetics, Microbiology and Statistic) has developed, by a Teaching Innovation Project, a blog in which students can find news and events in relation to the Microbiology, as well as job offers:

The service of employment and occupation of UB students and graduates, perform, in a coordinated and self-managed way, programs to improve occupation and organizes business and occupation exhibitions. The web site of the Occupation and Employability of the Faculty of Biology provide information in relation to occupation and employability activities, indicators and dates in relation to employment, international labour mobility, as well as the contacts of coordinator and responsible technicians and fellows. This office is part of the Occupation Service of the University of Barcelona (SOUB) whose main objective is to improve the training and labour insertion of UB students and graduates, as well as to help the contact between companies and students and graduates.

Graduates which like information about employment and labour insertion should be addressed to Alumni UB.

            The Feina UB program of the University of Barcelona, aims to promote the Company-University relationship by providing graduates with specialized skills. This program allows the companies to have access to the job offers service and internship agreements.
