University of Barcelona

Information for the student – Advanced Microbiology


Pre- enrolment 2024-25

1st period: 1 February to 7 June

Resolution: 17 june


2nd period: 8 June to 2 September

Resolution: 9 september


  • Admission list June
  • Admission list September

Enrolment 2024-25

First enrolment period: from 15 to 30 July

Second enrolment period: from 12th to 30th September

Postdoctoral position

Call for applications for a 2-year post-doctoral position.

Research areas: epidemiology, mental health, obesity, diabetes

Contract: 24 months, full-time (1st year: fixed-term contract with USPN; 2nd year: fixed-term contract with INRAE)
Gross salary range: Between 46 200 € and 49 000 € commensurate with experience and USPN/INRAE salary grids

Host laboratory (1st year): Equipe de Recherche en Epidémiologie Nutritionnelle (EREN), UMR U1153 Inserm / U1125 Inrae / Cnam / Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, 93017 Bobigny, France
Host laboratory (2nd year): Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l'Alimentation, UMR CSGA 1324 INRAE, Dijon, France

Start date: January 2023
