University master's degrees
What is a Master Thesis? The master’s thesis is a piece of original research work written under the direction of an experienced advisor. All students will undertake a Master’s Thesis or Trabajo Final de Master-TFM (30 ECTS). The Thesis is typically based on an experimental research project carried out in one of the research groups of the list shown in this page.Students may be interested in pursuing further research, for instance in a doctoral (PhD) program, or as a researcher in hospitals or research institutes.
How to do a Master Thesis? You will learn how to plan a research project choose adequate methods to performing the experiments and analysing the results. You will write your Thesis as if it were a scientific publication, critically describing, contemplating and discussing your results in the light of previous scientific literature on the topic.In your written Thesis you are expected to demonstrate that you are capable of scientific thinking, that you are familiar with the methodology and with the topic of your research. The written Thesis is an important exercise for developing skills in project management and written scientific communication.
Where to find the labs to do the Master Thesis? Below you will find a list of laboratories you can apply. You will see a brief title of the work, a link to the web page of the research group and the name of the supervisor. If you decide to join a particular group for your Master Thesis, write an email to the supervisor and ask for further information and availability.
If you have problems finding a lab, please contact the master’s coordinator.