University of Barcelona

Information for the student – Integrative Physiology

Organization and teaching methodology

The teaching activity is composed by theoretical lectures, practical seasons, supervised activities and autonomous student work. The teaching methodology includes master classes, colloquia, expositions, written works, seminars, visits to specialized centers, talks by professionals in the field of Physiology, etc.

Regarding the organization of the blended teaching process, this master closely follows the guidelines indicated in the pedagogical principles on blended teaching methodology, adapting the different aspects regarding the structure, organization, methodology, monitoring and evaluation of this type of teaching.

The guidelines on which the blended methodology used in the master is based are the following:

• Autonomous learning by the student through different tasks and activities assignments accompanied with the corresponding guidelines.

• Structures table time for regular individual study time and personal dedication, in a way that normal classroom activities can be combined with other virtual ones.

• Didactic materials available to students in various formats that allow them to develop learning process in their own.

• Approach to problems and cases to favor critical reflection and the search for solutions.

• Supervision and personalized attention by the teacher during the development of the tutored activities, in combination, if appropriate, with face-to-face meetings such as group tasks, seminars or expository sessions.

• Training on the use of the appropriate information and communication technologies already adapted for the development of the work on each subject.

• Encouragement of participation, debate and exchange of ideas between students and teachers through the virtual spaces opened for this purpose.

• Suitable evaluation and feedback according to the learning systems and work methodology applied.


To teach and monitor the different tutored activities, the UB Virtual Campus and other electronic resources are actively used. The specific details of each subject are found in the corresponding Sillabus and teaching plans.

The face-to-face classroom activities are placed in the Faculty of Biology facilities and all staff involved, disregarding its affiliation participate in this location. A minor number of practical sessions are carried out in specialized services on other UB campus different of the Faculty of Biology.

The schedule of the face-to-face classes is from Monday to Friday in the afternoon, between November and March. The specific timetable and classroom location can be found in the timetable section of the master's website.
