University of Barcelona

Information for the student – Ecology, Environmental Management and Restoration


Assessment calendar

Assessment system

The assessment systems are described for all subjects in their respective Course Plans.

In general, the subjects are evaluated with different activities:

  • Written tests (synthesis tests in the form of short or multiple-test questions, or comments on scientific articles ...).
  • Individual oral presentation on specific topics that the student prepares for himself.
  • Written dossiers that must be delivered after fieldwork or lab practices.
  • Oral presentation of the written work done by small groups where students are asked to make a preliminary draft on some restoration or management issues.
  • Active participation in different activities carried out during the course.


The TFM evaluation corresponds to an evaluation committee composed by 3 professors belonging to the Master who are selected according to the subject that is defended (and sometimes a professional is invited when the subject requires it), and by the supervisor or tutors of the master's thesis. Supervisors cannot be part of the evaluation committee. The respective TFMs are presented and defended at the end of September, during 20 +15 minutes of questions asked by the commission.

The TFM evaluation is applied for the written report and for its oral defense in front of the evaluation committee. The report must be written in accordance with the TFM regulations of the Faculty of Biology. To standardize the evaluation criteria between the different evaluation committees and the supervisors, the evaluation is based on a system of rubrics that includes different elements (presentation, formal aspects, content and discussion among others...) that are associated with the different skills acquired by the student during the Master. Each member of the Commission evaluates all such items, and the final qualification is agreed by all members of the Commission. The rating score of the Commission and that of the Supervisor or Tutor respectively contributes to 80% and 20% of the final grade.
